RS-232 Communication ==================== .. note:: The RS-232 interface requires a common ground connection between the USBoard-USS4 and the computer. The RS-232-interface runs at 19200 Baud. Communication via RS-232 uses the same format as the :ref:`us_can` except for the following addition: Every message **from** the USBoard-USS4 begins with a start byte which must have the value ``0xFF``. After each message, made up of eight data bytes, a 16 bit checksum is sent. Because of this a complete message is 11 bytes long. ======== ========== ================== ================= Byte 1 Bytes 2-9 Byte 10 Byte 11 ======== ========== ================== ================= ``0xFF`` data bytes checksum high byte checksum low byte ======== ========== ================== ================= The checksum is calculated with an CRC-CCITT algorithm using 8 databytes. Messages **to** the USBoard-USS4 only contain the data bytes. Example implementation of the checksum calulation (C code): .. literalinclude:: ../checksum.c :language: c