.. _connect: Connecting ========== .. image:: ../core/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/actions/pilot-connect.png :width: 48 Will open a connect dialog: .. image:: connect_dialog.png :width: 500 When connecting remotely the IP address or hostname and TCP port (default ``5555``) need to be specified. Optionally a login can be performed with the specified user, which is needed for most management functionality. When connecting locally via UNIX socket only the socket file is needed (Linux only). To run a simulation select `Simulation` and the platform type. To replay a data recording select `Replay`. Load Maps --------- .. image:: ../core/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/actions/pilot-open.png :width: 48 Will open a file dialog to choose a ``*.dat`` map file. .. note:: Loading a map does not automatically upload it to the platform (or simulation). See `Upload Maps`. Save Maps --------- .. image:: ../core/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/actions/pilot-save-map.png :width: 48 .. image:: ../core/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/actions/pilot-save-road-map.png :width: 48 Will save the current :ref:`GridMap` or :ref:`RoadMap` to a file. Alternatively the ``File`` menu can be used which offers more options for saving. Download Maps ------------- .. image:: ../core/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/actions/pilot-download-map.png :width: 48 .. image:: ../core/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/actions/pilot-download-road-map.png :width: 48 .. image:: ../core/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/actions/pilot-download-all.png :width: 48 Depending on the current edit mode, either all maps are downloaded (`View Only` mode), only the :ref:`GridMap` is downloaded (`Edit Grid Map` mode) or only the :ref:`RoadMap` is downloaded (`Edit Road Map` mode). Upon connecting to a `PlatformPilot` instance both :ref:`GridMap` and :ref:`RoadMap` are downloaded automatically. If local changes were overridden by accident it is always possible to revert back. Alternatively the ``File`` menu can be used which offers more options for downloading. Upload Maps ----------- .. image:: ../core/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/actions/pilot-upload-map.png :width: 48 .. image:: ../core/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/actions/pilot-upload-road-map.png :width: 48 .. image:: ../core/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/actions/pilot-upload-all.png :width: 48 Depending on the current edit mode, either all maps are uploaded (`View Only` mode), only the :ref:`GridMap` is uploaded (`Edit Grid Map` mode) or only the :ref:`RoadMap` is uploaded (`Edit Road Map` mode). Alternatively the ``File`` menu can be used which offers more options for uploading. Disconnect ---------- .. image:: ../core/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/actions/pilot-disconnect.png :width: 48 Disconnects from a running `PlatformPilot` instance.