PlatformPilot GTK GUI



  • Obtain the correct neobotix-pilot-gtkgui- debian package for your architechture and Ubuntu version. For example, the file name for the x86_64 Ubuntu 20.04 package ends with -x86_64-ubuntu-20.04.deb.

  • Install the package as follows:

    sudo dpkg -i neobotix-pilot-gtkgui-*.deb
  • Install missing dependencies via:

    sudo apt -f install
  • The contents of the package should now be installed under /opt/neobotix/pilot-gtkgui/.

  • To change the default workspace folder (which is ~/pilot/) set the following environment variable in your ~/.bashrc:

    export PILOT_HOME=/your/custom/path
    source ~/.bashrc
  • To run the GTK GUI execute the following:

  • Alternatively you can install a desktop launcher as follows:

    xdg-desktop-icon install /opt/neobotix/pilot-gtkgui/share/applications/Neobotix-PlatformPilot-GUI.desktop

    You may need to right click on the icon first and select “Allow Launching” to activate it.

  • See pilot-core documentation for more information regarding standalone simulation mode.


  • Execute the neobotix-pilot-gtkgui-?-windows10.exe installer.
  • The package will be installed to your Profile Folder in C:\Users\?\PlatformPilotGUI\.
  • Execute PlatformPilotGUI\bin\pilot_gtkgui.bat or double click on the Desktop Icon.



Will open a connect dialog:


When connecting remotely the IP address or hostname and TCP port (default 5555) need to be specified. Optionally a login can be performed with the specified user, which is needed for most management functionality.

When connecting locally via UNIX socket only the socket file is needed (Linux only).

To run a simulation select Simulation and the platform type.

To replay a data recording select Replay.

Load Maps


Will open a file dialog to choose a *.dat map file.


Loading a map does not automatically upload it to the platform (or simulation). See Upload Maps.

Save Maps

_images/pilot-save-map.png _images/pilot-save-road-map.png

Will save the current Grid Map or Road Map to a file.

Alternatively the File menu can be used which offers more options for saving.

Download Maps

_images/pilot-download-map.png _images/pilot-download-road-map.png _images/pilot-download-all.png

Depending on the current edit mode, either all maps are downloaded (View Only mode), only the Grid Map is downloaded (Edit Grid Map mode) or only the Road Map is downloaded (Edit Road Map mode).

Upon connecting to a PlatformPilot instance both Grid Map and Road Map are downloaded automatically.

If local changes were overridden by accident it is always possible to revert back.

Alternatively the File menu can be used which offers more options for downloading.

Upload Maps

_images/pilot-upload-map.png _images/pilot-upload-road-map.png _images/pilot-upload-all.png

Depending on the current edit mode, either all maps are uploaded (View Only mode), only the Grid Map is uploaded (Edit Grid Map mode) or only the Road Map is uploaded (Edit Road Map mode).

Alternatively the File menu can be used which offers more options for uploading.



Disconnects from a running PlatformPilot instance.

Grid Mapping

To create a new Grid Map switch to the mapping mode:


Now you can move the platform around using the hardware joystick or by using the remote control.

The new Grid Map will be created and updated while driving around. When the mapping process is finished you can save the new map and / or upload it to the platform, see Connecting.


Requires permissions of neo-installer or neo-admin when connecting remotely.

Remote Control


A modal dialog will appear:


Map Update

To update the current Grid Map switch to the map update mode:


The platform needs to be localized before entering this mode.


Requires permissions of neo-installer or neo-admin when connecting remotely.

Map Editing

Usually a new map needs to be edited, to do that switch to the Grid Map edit mode:


Most edit tools below can be scaled via the vector zoom buttons on the left toolbar:

_images/pilot-zoom-original.png _images/pilot-zoom-in.png _images/pilot-zoom-out.png

Alternatively Ctrl + Scroll Up/Down can be used.

Erase Tool

Obstacles which are not static should be erased with the erase tool:


Holding the left mouse button will erase the area, ie. make it free. Holding the right mouse button will mark the area as unknown.

Make Dynamic Tool


Holding the left mouse button will mark the area as dynamic. Holding the right mouse button will erase only dynamic areas.

Dynamic areas are ignored when updating the map.

Make Prohibited Tool


Holding the left mouse button will mark the area as prohibited. Holding the right mouse button will erase only prohibited areas.

Prohibited areas are not entered by a platform. They are also ignored when updating the map.

Draw Line Tool


Allows to draw artificial walls. Left Click will start and finish a line. Hold Shift to draw lines continously. Hit ESC to abort a line.

Undo / Redo

_images/pilot-undo.png _images/pilot-redo.png

RoadMap Creation

To create or edit the Road Map switch to the edit mode:


Select Tool


Left Click will select an element. Hold Ctrl to select multiple elements.

To select a whole stretch of road (shortest path), select a starting node then hold Shift and select an end node. Hold Ctrl + Shift to append another stretch of road.

Move Tool


Left Click will select and move an element. Right Click will select an element. Hold Left Mouse Button to move currently selected elements.

Node Tool


Left Click will add a new node. Right Click will select a node. Hold Shift to connect new node with previous selection. Hold Shift and Right Click a node to connect with current selection.

Station Tool


Left Click will add a new station. Hold Left Mouse Button to assign orientation when adding a station. Right Click will select a node. Hold Shift to connect new station with previous selection. Hold Shift and Right Click a node to connect with current selection.

Rotate Tool


Left Click a station to re-define its orientation, finish via Left Click again.

Undo / Redo

_images/pilot-undo.png _images/pilot-redo.png


To replay a data recording open the connect dialog and select Replay via:


A VNX Player window will open:


It can be operated like a regular audio player.


User Manual


  • Obtain the correct neobotix-pilot-core- debian package for your architechture and Ubuntu version. For example, the file name for the x86_64 Ubuntu 20.04 package ends with -x86_64-ubuntu-20.04.deb.

  • Install the package as follows:

    sudo dpkg -i neobotix-pilot-core-*.deb
  • Install missing dependencies via:

    sudo apt -f install
  • The contents of the package should now be installed under /opt/neobotix/pilot-core/.

  • If you received a license security dongle and you already attached it, unplug it and attach it again in order for the installed udev rule to take effect.

  • To change the default workspace folder (which is ~/pilot/) set the following environment variable in your ~/.bashrc:

    export PILOT_HOME=/your/custom/path
    source ~/.bashrc
  • To setup the workspace execute the following script:

    sh /opt/neobotix/pilot-core/scripts/ /opt/neobotix/pilot-core

    This will setup a folder ~/pilot/ with default settings.

  • To enable autostart:

    cp /opt/neobotix/pilot-core/share/applications/Neobotix-PlatformPilot.desktop ~/.config/autostart/
  • In addition you can install a desktop launcher as follows:

    xdg-desktop-icon install /opt/neobotix/pilot-core/share/applications/Neobotix-PlatformPilot.desktop

    You may need to right click on the icon first and select “Allow Launching” to activate it.

  • Change the default configuration to match your platform type:

    echo /opt/neobotix/pilot-core/config/default/mpo-700/ > config/local/parent

    where you replace mpo-700 with your platform type.

  • If you received a license security dongle, edit your config/local/LicenseCheck.json file to contain your license key which you should find printed on the dongle.

  • Set a name and serial for your platform in config/local/platform.json.

  • Optionally set additional custom configuration options in config/local, see Configuration.

  • Optionally setup users and passwords, see User Management.

  • See Running on how to run PlatformPilot.

  • Execute the neobotix-pilot-core-?-windows10.exe installer.

  • The package will be installed to your Profile Folder in C:\Users\?\PlatformPilot\.

  • Change into the folder PlatformPilot\bin\config\local. Edit the file parent with a line like this:


    where you substitute mpo-700 with your platform type.

  • If you received a license security dongle, edit your bin\config\local\LicenseCheck.json file to contain your license key which you should find printed on the dongle.

  • Set a name and serial for your platform in bin\config\local\platform.json.

  • Optionally set additional custom configuration options in bin\config\local, see Configuration.

  • Optionally setup users and passwords, see User Management.

  • See Running on how to run PlatformPilot.



If you received a license security dongle, make sure to have it attached.

You can always execute the supplied binaries directly, but for convenience we provide little helper scripts that take care of some required command line options.


In Windows execute the bin/run_pilot.bat file either in a terminal or by double clicking on it.

In Ubuntu:

cd ~/pilot

Additional options can be provided to the scripts as such:

./ --LocalPlanner.vel_limits.max_trans_vel 0.5
run_pilot.bat --LocalPlanner.vel_limits.max_trans_vel 0.5

Permanent options can be set by writing config files in config/local, see Configuration. For example a file config/local/LocalPlanner.json:

        "vel_limits": {
                "max_trans_vel": 0.5

will set the default maximum velocity of the platform to 0.5 m/s.


The simulation binary will simulate the kinematics as well as sensor data without accessing any hardware. Otherwise there is no difference to

In Windows execute the bin/run_pilot_simulation.bat file either in a terminal or by double clicking on it.

In Ubuntu:

cd ~/pilot

To run PlatformPilot in replay mode use the provided script:

cd ~/pilot

It will try to connect to a running VNX player on /tmp/vnxplayer.sock. Replay mode is used to view what happened during a recorded drive. Similar to simulation mode there is no hardware access.

Data Recording

To make a data recording use the provided script:

cd ~/pilot

The resulting file will be in user/data/.


It is possible to override the default configuration by either writing local config files in config/local/ or by specifying parameters on the command line.

The following configuration options can be set for most executables above:

If to perform a self test at the beginning. Will exit if it fails. (default = true)
If to automatically shutdown the host machine in case platform is being turned off via the key switch. (default = true)
If hardware modules should be started, ie. hardware is present on this machine and not on a remote. (default = true)
If to enable joystick input. (default = true)
If to enable HTTP server on port 8888. Needed for HTTP API, WebGUI, etc. (default = true)
If to enable the TaskHandler module. (default = true)
If to enable the MovechainHandler module. (default = true)
If to enable the vnx.opc_ua.Server module. (default = false)
A map of vnx.opc_ua.Proxy modules to start, [module name => server address].
A map of vnx.Proxy modules to start, [module name => server address].
A map of vnx.Server modules to start, [module name => server endpoint].
A map of vnx.JRPC_Server modules to start, [module name => server endpoint].
Footprint of the platform as a JSON object, see pilot.Footprint.
Static platform information as a JSON object, see pilot.PlatformInfo.

By default the following servers are started:

vnx.Server on .pilot_main.sock
Supports connections from the local machine via UNIX domain sockets, using the native VNX binary protocol. Almost all permissions are granted to clients connecting to this server, ie. no logins required. A vnx.Proxy is needed to connect. On Linux systems only.
vnx.Server on
Supports connections from anywhere via TCP/IP sockets, using the native VNX binary protocol. Login is required to gain anything more than read-only permissions, see User Management. A vnx.Proxy is needed to connect.

In general, most applications accept the following command line arguments:

  • The -h switch displays a small help message and exits.
  • The -d switch increases the debug level of the terminal output
  • The -c switch accepts a directory with configuration files. You can specify several directories by repeating the switch or by providing multiple directories at once. The order of directories matters, they are read from left to right, potentially overriding previous values.
  • Finally, you can set specific config values directly on the command line. See Configuration for details.

The active Grid Map and Road Map are stored in the ~/pilot/ folder as current_grid_map.grid and current_road_map.road.

They can either be copied there by hand or uploaded via the GTK GUI.

Terminal Interface

While running one of the pilot binaries you can, at any time, hit the <Enter> key which interrupts the log output and gives you a terminal prompt. You can now execute one of several commands. Type it in and press <Enter> to execute.

Commands that have an output keep the log paused after execution, to give you time to look at it. The log continues when you press <Enter> again.

The following commands are currently available:

  • quit exits the application
  • debug [level] changes the level of the output. The bigger the number, the more log messages you get.
  • errors outputs the last error messages
  • topic [expr] searches all topic names for expr. If there is no exact match, all topics that expr is a prefix of are shown. If there are none, all matches are shown.
  • module [expr] lists all modules that expr matches on. If there is an exact match, it displays more detailed information for that module.
  • grep <expr> restricts terminal output to messages that contain expr.
  • journal [expr] does the same as grep but first shows all past log messages that contain expr.
  • spy [expr] does the same as dump but without the actual message content.
  • dump [expr] outputs the messages on all topics that match expr.
  • htop [field] shows the modules with the highest CPU load in a table that refreshes regularly. field can be avg to change the sorting.
  • exec <module>[.method [args...]] and call <module>[.method [args...]] invoke the given method of the given module with the given arguments. exec waits for the command to finish and displays the result while call performs an asynchronous call. If no method is given, a list of method signatures for the module is shown.

While typing, the terminal will provide you with suggestions for the command and possible arguments. Press the <Tab> key to complete, press it twice to get a list of suggestions. You can also use the up and down arrows the scroll through the history of past commands.


When you start a command line tool, you can supply it with one or more configuration destinations. The configuration is written in JSON.


The configuration follows a hierarchy that is separated by dots (.) in the names of the keys. The hierarchy is inferred from the file system and the structure of the JSON in the files.

For example, assume you supply the config destination config/local/ and there is a file config/local/some/path/Test.json and it contains the following content:

        "some_key": {
                "other_key": {
                        "the_answer": 42,
                        "the_question": ["life", "universe", "everything"]

In this case, the config key some.path.Test.some_key.other_key.the_answer will be read and set to 42 and the key some.path.Test.some_key.other_key.the_question will contain a list of strings as shown.

A config destination can contain the special file called parent. It should consist of a single line giving a path (absolute or relative to the current destination) to include. This means the contents of the given destination will be treated as if they were present in the current destination. Additionally, the parent destination will be read first which is important for cascading (see below).


The structure of the configuration makes it possible (and actually good and common practice) to split a config object across multiple locations. For example your config destination may have a file Test.json that contains

{ "field_1": 42 }

but also reference a parent directory that also has a file Test.json that contains

{ "field_2": 23 }

In effect, both Test.field_1 and Test.field_2 are correctly read. By default, we use this technique to separate

  • configuration specific to an installation (in config/local/ in the pilot home folder), which includes
  • configuration specific to a robot model (in config/default/XXX/ in the installation folder), which includes
  • generic configuration (in config/default/generic/ in the installation folder).

This makes the configuration easy to maintain.

Given the rules for the hierachy and for parent destinations, it is very much possible to specify the same key multiple times. In that case the key that is read last overwrites any previous one of the same name. In particular, a destination always overrides its parent.


It is also possible to append values to an array, by adding a + to the variable name as such:

{ "array": [1, 2, 3] }
{ "array+": [4, 5, 6] }

The resulting array config value will be [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].

Command line

You can also supply configuration on the command line. For example, to set MyModule.max_velocity to 5, append --MyModule.max_velocity 5 to the command line.

Values are read as JSON objects. Make sure to use the correct quoting according to the shell you use. When setting a boolean value to true, you can omit the value and just give the key.

Arrays and objects can be provided on the command line as follows:

command --array [1, 2, 3, 4] --object {"field": 1234, "array": ["a", "b", "c"]}

Config keys given at the command line are read as the ultimate last ones, so they override any previous keys with the same names. This is useful for testing out certain values without constantly having to edit files.


While some config keys are read explicitly by the application, most of the assignment happens automagically.


A module that is started with the name MyModule will automatically be assigned all configuration below the MyModule. key. From then on it behaves like a class (see below).


If a configuration key is applied to an instance of a VNX class, the members of the class are assigned the subkeys where the names match.

For example if you have an object of the class

class Test {
        string name;
        int value;
        vector<int> numbers;
        Test2 other_one;

and you assign it the config

        "name": "Picard",
        "value": 1234,
        "numbers": [1, 2, 3, 4],
        "other_one": {
                "what": "ever"

then all the fields get assigned the config key with the matching name. Notice that other_one is another object which will get the same treatment recursively with the embedded config object.

Fields without a matching config key are default initialized and spare keys without a matching field are silently ignored.

User Management

The authentication model is based on users who may or may not have permission to perform certain actions. Without authentication, by default, only a limited number of actions are available.

Every user has a name and a password which are used for authentication.


Command line tools usually provide the -u <username> switch to provide a user name. Please refer to the documentation of the respective tool.

Graphical tools usually provide a graphical way of authentication.


Most API functions require a certain permission to be executed. If the permission is not held by the user an error is returned or thrown.

Every user has a set of access roles and every access role has a set of permissions. The permissions of a user consist of the permissions of their access roles. Mindful assignment to access roles allows for a fine-grained access control in a multi-user environment.

See vnx.access_role_e for the set of default access roles and their permissions.


Available access roles and their sets of permissions can be configured via the config key vnx.authentication.permissions which is an object with access roles (as strings) as keys and a list of permissions (as strings) as values.

Users and their access roles can be configured with the key vnx.authentication.users which is a list of user objects. Note that the passwords for the config map vnx.authentication.passwd are usually kept separately (in a subdirectory) so that they can be protected from reading and writing.

Here is the default configuration config/default/generic/vnx/authentication.json:

        "users": [
                        "name": "neo-user",
                        "access_roles": ["USER"]
                        "name": "neo-installer",
                        "access_roles": ["INSTALLER"]
                        "name": "neo-admin",
                        "access_roles": ["INSTALLER", "ADMIN"]
        "permissions": {
                "OBSERVER": [
                "USER": [
                "TASK": [
                "INSTALLER": [

As can be seen, built-in permissions (of type vnx.permission_e) such as VIEW and READ_CONFIG can be specified without the full namespace. A permission can also be removed by adding a ! in front of the name: !VIEW.

For more information regarding configuration files see Configuration.

Adding Users

To add new users create a config file config/local/vnx/authentication.json:

        "users+": [
                        "name": "foo",
                        "access_roles": ["USER", ...]

By removing the + in users+ you can discard the default users which were set in config/default/generic/vnx/authentication.json.


Passwords can be set or changed via the vnxpasswd command line tool, see Tools.


There is a collection of command line tools to communicate with a running program instance.

Common command line parameters are:

-n <node>
supply a way to connect to the process. It can be a UNIX socket or a network address in the form host:port.
-u <user>
authenticate with the given user name. You will be asked to enter the password before the connection is made.

On Linux the tools are found in /opt/neobotix/pilot-core/bin/ or /opt/neobotix/pilot-gtkgui/bin/. On Windows the tools are found in the bin folder.


To execute a custom Lua Script on the platform:

pilot_execute -n localhost:5555 -u neo-admin -f my_script.lua

Above command will run until the script exits. To return immediately add the -a option.

Requires permission UPLOAD_SCRIPT.


To change / set a password:

vnxpasswd -c config/local/ -u neo-admin

To call a method on a module:

vnxservice -n localhost:5555 -u neo-user -x HybridPlanner move_to_station Station1 {"max_velocity": 0.5}

To get an overview of available methods:

vnxservice -n localhost:5555 -i HybridPlanner

To convert a *.dat, *.grid or *.road file to JSON:

vnxread -f my_road_map.road

To create a graph of a running VNX process:

vnxgraph -n localhost:5555 >
dot -Tsvg > graph.svg

Grid Map

The Grid Map is an image representing an occupancy grid map, created via a SLAM mapping algorithm. It has two layers: normal occupancy and reflector occupancy, both consisting of 8-bit data per pixel / cell.

See also: pilot.GridMapData, pilot.OccupancyMapData


Road Map

The Road Map is a navigation map created by hand using the GTK GUI. It contains road segments where a platform should drive on, including a lot of additional parameters that can be set.



The PlatformPilot GTK GUI provides a means to create maps, upload / download data to / from a platform, as well as visualize various data and control the platform.



You can interact with the platform using the web interface. You can access it using a web browser of your choice (Firefox and Chrome/Chromium are preferred though) by navigating to <robot_ip>:8888.


Toolbar consists of three parts:

App Menu
Navigate through the app.
Page title
Display information about current page.
Action buttons
On every page you will see at least the login / logout button. Other buttons will be explained in the corresponding section.
Changing Pilot Modes

To create a new Grid Map switch to the mapping mode:


Now you can move the platform around using the hardware joystick.

The new Grid Map will be created and updated while driving around. When the mapping process is finished you can upload the new map to the platform by clicking the Save button.


Requires permissions of neo-installer or neo-admin when connecting remotely.

Map Update

To update the current Grid Map switch to the map update mode:


The platform needs to be localized before entering this mode.


Requires permissions of neo-installer or neo-admin when connecting remotely.

Set Goal Pose

Left Click / Tap and move to define a new goal pose. Red dot on the icon will indicate this mode is enabled.

Set Goal Station

Left Click / Tap on a map station to set a new goal station. Red dot on the icon will indicate this mode is enabled.

Cancel Goal

Will abort the current goal and stop immediately.

Pose Estimate Tool

Left Click / Tap and move to define a pose estimate (initialize localization). Red dot on the icon will indicate this mode is enabled.

Set Pose Tool

In simulation mode it is possible to “teleport” the platform via:


Left Click / Tap and move to define a pose. Red dot on the icon will indicate this mode is enabled.

Data Recording

To start a recording:



The resulting file will be in user/data/.

To stop a recording:



This button is only enabled when a recording is active.

Adjust View

This mode activates ovelayed controls for zooming and rotating the view. Also the view can be moved around by Left Click / Tap and move.


In this context menu you can toggle visibility of various map layers.


The same context menu can be accessed by Right Click / Tap & Hold.


Displaying Lidar Points and Local Cost Map is CPU intensive. Disable this layers to reduce CPU / GPU usage.


On this page the last 100 PlatformPilot log messages can be viewed. It is also possible to stop / resume message polling and filter messages by log level using action buttons.

Task Editor

The TaskEditor offers visual way to create and manage tasks for the PlatformPilots TaskHandler module. It allows users to generate Lua programs using graphical blocks by dragging and linking them. It also offers easy access to the PlatformPilots API.

After a little training, the creation of programs is done intuitively. So that even complex sequences of task can be implemented very fast.

The TaskEditor is build on top of the Blockly library. Further information:


The toolbox is the side menu from whence the user may drag and drop blocks into the workspace.

There are two types of blocks with and without return value. Blocks without return value can be used directly to build a program workflow. Blocks with a return value are used as input for other blocks (i.e. variables or parameters).


The following blocks offer direct access to PlatformPilots API. See Lua Script.



Load module defined by module_name.

call(function_name, {args})

Call function named function_name.

args is an array of arguments passed to the function.


Information Requests



Station List

This block contains a combobox with all stations available in the currently loaded road map.






User Input


The following blocks offer access to basic code concepts like variables, logical expressions and loops.









PlatformPilot is individually licensed under the terms agreed-upon with Neobotix GmbH.

Third-party software

PlatformPilot makes use of the following third-party software under their respective licenses. Unless stated otherwise, the software packages have not been modified by us and can be retrieved from their project homepages and/or repositories.

License Texts
MIT License

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



Release 1.3
Version 1.3.0 (August 2021)
  • Added OPC-UA Client/Server certificate support
  • Added LUA functions and corresponding TaskEditor blocks:
    • is_chargig()
    • get_battery_remaining()
    • reset_motors()
  • Added Event::level to allow sorting by low/high level events.
  • wait_for_joystick() waits for activation now
  • LaserCalibration now also calibrates sensor X/Y position
  • Added RealSense2 support
  • LFP battery charge auto cycling between 90 and 100 % (see RelayBoardNode::battery_type config)
  • Added SystemState::is_charging
Release 1.2
Version 1.2.0 (June 2021)
  • New HttpServer implementation, no longer using libmicrohttpd.
    • Supports Server-Sent-Events (SSE), via /api/stream/...
    • Deflate response compression (multi-threaded)
    • Asynchronous chunked transfers
  • localization.status topic is also being recorded now.
  • New LocalPlanner functions: await_goal(), await_goal_ex(...), cancel_goal_await()
  • LocalPlanner::pause() now has an optional bool em_stop parameter to enable emergency stopping.
  • OPC-UA write variable support via Proxy::write_variable() and Proxy::write_object_variable().
  • TaskHandler now supports script parameters via execute_file() and execute_program() which are passed on to the main(...) function in LUA.
  • Sending a new goal while driving works as expected now, planners wait for platoform to stop before planning new path.
  • Kinematics_CanNode fix for CAN bus initialization, now attempts to re-initialize until successful.
  • New TaskHandler functions: get_time_sec(), get_time_millis(), get_time_micros()
  • HttpSession now contains session_timeout as well
  • Additional incident reporting for RelayBoard and MPO-700 homing.
  • SickMicroscan3 fix for reflector detection
  • OPC-UA Proxy authentication support via username and password configs.
  • TaskHandler scripts have REQUEST permission now
  • USER (neo-user) has INTERVENE_SCRIPT permissions now
Release 1.1
Version 1.1.0 (May 2021)

Programmer’s Manual

VNX Interface

The native VNX binary protocol allows to communicate with the PlatformPilot in a C++ application, either via TCP/IP, UNIX socket or a direct intra-procress connection.

The communication is provided via the vnx.Server and vnx.Proxy modules.


To enable a vnx.Server create a config file config/local/vnx_server_map:

        ["TcpServer_1", ""],
        ["UnixServer_1", "/tmp/mysocket.sock"]

This will start two VNX servers listening on TCP/IP address and UNIX socket /tmp/mysocket.sock respectively. By default a VNX server is listening on TCP/IP address, which requires a login for most funtionality.

To enable user authentication, which is recommended for TCP/IP servers, create a config file config/local/TcpServer_1.json:

        "use_authentication": true,
        "default_access": "OBSERVER"

This will require a login to gain more than the default_access permissions. If use_authentication is set to false any user has full permissions and no login is necessary.


To run a vnx.Proxy which connects to another VNX server create a config file vnx_proxy_map which is used by your process:

        ["Proxy_1", ""],
        ["Proxy_2", "/tmp/mysocket.sock"]

The above proxies will be available under the module names Proxy_1 and Proxy_2. To import / export topics and forward services create a config file for each proxy. For example Proxy_1.json:

        "import_list": [
        "export_list": [
        "forward_list": [
        "time_sync": true

To gain required permissions a login needs to be performed at runtime:

#include <vnx/vnx.h>
#include <vnx/ProxyClient.hxx>

std::string user;
if(vnx::read_config("user", user)) {
        vnx::ProxyClient proxy("Proxy");
        proxy.login(user, vnx::input_password("Password: "));

A Client is a way to communicate with a module via (remote) procedure calls.


There are synchronous clients and asynchronous clients. A method call on a synchronous client blocks until the result arrives. A method call on an asynchronous client returns immediately and gives you the possibility to supply callback functions that notify you about the result.

Specific Clients

Every module has a synchronous and an asynchronous client. If the module class is called MyModule, the clients are called MyModuleClient and MyModuleAsyncClient. In order to instantiate them, you also need to know the runtime name of the module (not the name of the class).

Here is an example on how to use the clients for MyModule that is running under the name MyModule_name to call its method void do_something(int, string).

#include <package/MyModuleClient.hxx>
#include <package/MyModuleAsyncClient.hxx>

using namespace package;

MyModuleClient sync_client("MyModule_name");
sync_client.do_something(42, "hello");

std::shared_ptr<MyModuleAsyncClient> async_client =
async_client->do_something(42, "hello",
        [](void) {
                std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
        [](const vnx::exception& ex) {
                std::cout << "FAIL: " << ex.what() << std::endl;

The callback functions for asynchronous clients are of the forms void(const T&) (where T is the return type, or void) and void(const vnx::exception&) respectively. Supplying either of them is optional and defaults to a null function.

Generic Clients

With a generic client, you can communicate with any module. The handling is similar to the specific case, only this time you call methods by their name and supply the parameters as a vnx.Object. The names of the method and the parameters have to match the interface definition.

#include <vnx/vnx.h>

vnx::Object args;
args["number"] = 42;
args["message"] = "hello");

vnx::GenericClient sync_client("MyModule_name");
std::shared_ptr<const vnx::Value> ret ="do_something", args);
std::cout << "OK: " << ret->get_field_by_index(0) << std::endl;

std::shared_ptr<vnx::GenericAsyncClient> async_client =
async_client->call("do_something", args,
        [](std::shared_ptr<const vnx::Value> ret) {
                std::cout << "OK: " << ret->get_field_by_index(0) << std::endl;
        [](const vnx::exception& ex) {
                std::cout << "FAIL: " << ex.what() << std::endl;

The callback functions are of the form void(std::shared_ptr<const vnx::Value>) and void(const vnx::exception&) respectively. Supplying either of them is optional and defaults to a null function.


Example on how to compile your C++ application:

g++ -std=c++11 application.cpp -I /opt/neobotix/pilot-core/include \
        -L /opt/neobotix/pilot-core/lib -lpilot_core -lvnx_base

/opt/neobotix/pilot-core can also be replaced by /opt/neobotix/pilot-gtkgui, if you have the GTK GUI installed.


Connecting to the PlatformPilot and sending goals to HybridPlanner.


[["Proxy", ""]]

We do not specify an address in the config above, since we want to give a custom address on the command line later.


{"forward_list": ["HybridPlanner"]}


#include <vnx/vnx.h>
#include <vnx/ProxyClient.hxx>
#include <pilot/HybridPlannerClient.hxx>
using namespace pilot;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    std::map<std::string, std::string> options;
    options["u"] = "user";
    vnx::init("move_to_stations", argc, argv, options);

    std::string user;
    if(vnx::read_config("user", user)) {
        vnx::ProxyClient proxy("Proxy");
        proxy.login(user, vnx::input_password("Password: "));

    HybridPlannerClient planner("HybridPlanner");

    goal_options_t goal_options;
    goal_options.max_velocity = 0.5;
    goal_options.drive_mode = drive_mode_e::STRICT_PATH_FOLLOW;

    while(vnx::do_run()) {
        try {
            vnx::log_info() << "Station1 has been reached!";

            planner.move_to_station("Station2", goal_options);
            vnx::log_info() << "Station2 has been reached!";

            const vnx::Hash64 job_id = vnx::Hash64::rand();
            planner.move_to_station("Station3", {}, job_id);
            vnx::log_info() << "Station3 has been reached! (job " << job_id << ")";
        catch(const std::exception& ex) {
            vnx::log_error() << "move_to_station() failed with: " << ex.what();


g++ -std=c++11 -o move_to_stations move_to_stations.cpp \
        -I /opt/neobotix/pilot-core/include \
        -L /opt/neobotix/pilot-core/lib -lpilot_core -lvnx_base


$ ./move_to_stations -c config/default/ --Proxy.address ~/pilot/.pilot_main.sock

Proxy.address = "/home/neobotix/pilot/.pilot_main.sock"
Proxy.forward_list = ["HybridPlanner"]
config = ["config/default/"]
vnx_proxy_map = [["Proxy", ""]]
[Proxy] INFO: enable_forward('HybridPlanner', 100, 1000)
[Proxy] INFO: Connected to /home/neobotix/pilot/.pilot_main.sock
[move_to_stations] INFO: Station1 has been reached!
[move_to_stations] INFO: Station2 has been reached!
[move_to_stations] INFO: Station3 has been reached! (job 13373535902967275021)

Connecting to .pilot_main.sock avoids having to login with a username and password to be able to move the platform.

JSON-RPC Interface

This interface uses the JSON-RPC protocol in version 2.0.

The corresponding proxy module vnx.JRPC_Proxy is similar to the vnx.Proxy and mostly follows the same protocol, only it wraps its messages into appropriate JSON objects.

Message format

A message in our setting of the JSON RPC protocol may look like this:

        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "id": "123some_id456",
        "method": "MyModule.some_method",
        "params": {
                "first": "Hello",
                "second": 4321

Some remarks:

  • The id is optional. If you provide it, you will get a response message, otherwise you will get nothing. This includes error messages!

  • method consists of a module name and its method name, separated by a dot. If you omit the module name (but keep the dot), the request is directed at the proxy module itself.

    The proxy module has a method select_service to assign a module name for the rest of the connection:

            "jsonrpc": "2.0",
            "id": "123some_id456",
            "method": ".select_service",
            "params": {
                    "service_name": "MyModule"

    Now you can omit the module name (and the dot) in future requests.

  • params is an object indexed by the names of the parameters as defined in the interface of the module. You can also supply a list instead, although that is not encouraged.


To enable a vnx.JRPC_Server create a config file config/local/vnx_jrpc_server_map:

        ["JRPC_Server", ""],

This will start a JSON RPC server that listens on the TCP/IP address


Open a TCP connection to the port of the server. You should be greeted with a welcome message (method .on_remote_connect) that you can safely ignore.

To authenticate use the on_login method of the proxy:

        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "method": ".on_login",
        "params": {
                "name": "username",
                "password": "23f/*...*/995"

where password is a SHA-256 hash of the actual password. On success you should receive a call to .on_remote_login providing some information on your established session.

Return Values


You will only receive return values if you supply the id field in your request.

Return values are wrapped inside a success message with the result field holding the actual return value. A successful call to RoadMapPlanner.find_station may look like this:

        "__type": "vnx.JRPC_Success",
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "id": 5566,
        "result": {
                "__type": "pilot.MapStation",
                "drive_flags": [],
                "goal_tolerance": {"__type": "pilot.vector_3f_param_t", "type": "DEFAULT", "x": {"__type": "pilot.float_param_t", "type": "DEFAULT", "value": 0}, "y": {"__type": "pilot.float_param_t", "type": "DEFAULT", "value": 0}, "z": {"__type": "pilot.float_param_t", "type": "DEFAULT", "value": 0}},
                "goal_tune_time": {"__type": "pilot.float_param_t", "type": "DEFAULT", "value": 0},
                "group": "",
                "id": 120,
                "name": "Station120",
                "orientation": -3.13343,
                "position": [-0.611983, 2.81928],
                "profiles": [],
                "tolerance": {"__type": "pilot.float_param_t", "type": "DEFAULT", "value": 0}

The result of calling a void method has a null return value:

        "__type": "vnx.JRPC_Success",
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "id": 43,
        "result": null


You will only receive errors if you supply the id field in your request.

If your request failed, you will get an error response. It contains an error field with an object giving an error code, a short message and the actual error object.

When the method you called throws an exception, the error will look like this:

        "__type": "vnx.JRPC_Failure",
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "id": 43,
        "error": {
                "__type": "vnx.JRPC_Error",
                "code": 500,
                "message": "roadmap station does not exist",
                "data": {
                        "__type": "vnx.InternalError",
                        "what": "roadmap station does not exist"

This shows an error that you get if you lack a permission to do something:

        "__type": "vnx.JRPC_Failure",
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "id": 42,
        "error": {
                "__type": "vnx.JRPC_Error",
                "code": 403,
                "message": "permission denied (pilot.permission_e.MOVE)",
                "data": {
                        "__type": "vnx.PermissionDenied",
                        "what": "permission denied (pilot.permission_e.MOVE)",
                        "dst_mac": 0,
                        "method": "pilot.HybridPlanner.set_goal_station",
                        "permission": "pilot.permission_e.MOVE"

See vnx.JRPC_Error for a list of error codes.


As with the VNX protocol, subscribing to a topic is done with the enable_export method of the proxy:

        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "params": {
                "topic_name": "some.topic"

Received samples will have the following form:

        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "method": "!some.topic",
        "params": {
                "seq_num": 42,
                "value": {"__type": "some.Datatype", "time": 1600000023, "some_more": "fields"}

Notice that we are relaxing the notion of a “method” here: The initial ! makes clear that it actually refers to a topic and the parameters really just hold the value.

Using the same format in the other direction, you can also publish samples on the named topic (given sufficient permissions).

HTTP Interface

The HTTP REST API provides access to almost any functionality of the PlatformPilot via the HTTP protocol.

The HTTP server is enabled by default on port 8888, however it can be disabled by setting enable_http_server to false.

The REST API is available on the path http://localhost:8888/api/. (replace localhost with your target machine)

See also HttpProxy.


Some functionality requires special permissions, see User Management.

To gain necessary permissions you need to login to the HTTP server as follows:

curl -I "http://localhost:8888/server/login?user=neo-user&passwd_plain=neobotix"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: hsid=7ac1b14c66b6f323-0000d026d3eff249-2d4c9774cd3accb8; Path=/; Max-Age=86400; SameSite=Strict;

The response will contain a session cookie which can be used as follows:

curl -H "Cookie: hsid=7ac1b14c66b6f323-0000d026d3eff249-2d4c9774cd3accb8" http://localhost:8888/api/request/...

All modules of the PlatformPilot are available via the path /api/request/.

To get an overview of the available modules:

curl http://localhost:8888/api/request/
["GlobalCostMap/", "GlobalPlanner/", "GridLocalization/", "HybridPlanner/", ...]

The available methods of a module can be queried as follows:

curl http://localhost:8888/api/request/HybridPlanner/
["append_goal", "append_goal_position", "append_goal_positions", "append_goal_station", ...]

A method can be called as follows:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/api/request/PilotServer/get_state
{"__type": "pilot.PilotState", ...}

curl -H "Cookie: ..." -X POST -d '{"name": "Station1"}' \

The parameters of a function are supplied as a JSON object via POST data.

You may need to be logged in to access certain functions, see above.


Almost all topics of the PlatformPilot are available via the path /api/topic/.

To get an overview of the available topics:

curl http://localhost:8888/api/topic/
["input/", "local_planner/", "navigation/", "platform/", "sensors/", "task_handler/", "tf/", "tfd/", "vnx/"]

curl http://localhost:8888/api/topic/platform/
["info", "odometry", "pilot_state", "system_state"]

To get the latest sample data of a topic:

curl http://localhost:8888/api/topic/platform/odometry
{"__type": "pilot.Odometry", "time": 1613656049067588, ...}

To get a tree of the lastest sample data of a domain:

curl http://localhost:8888/api/topic/platform
{"info": {"__type": "pilot.PlatformInfo", ...}, ...}

To publish a data sample on a topic:

curl -H "Cookie: ..." -X POST -d '{"topic": "test.topic", "sample": {"__type": "pilot.Pose2D", ...}}' \

Note that a __type field needs to be specified containing the type name of the sample, such as pilot.Pose2D for example.


The current configuration tree can be viewed via the path /api/config/.

To access protected configuration values, a special permission PROTECTED_CONFIG is required, see vnx.permission_e.

To get an overview of the available config options:

curl http://localhost:8888/api/config/
["GlobalCostMap/", "GlobalPlanner/", "GridLocalization/", "GridMapping/", ...]

curl http://localhost:8888/api/config/GridLocalization/
["broadcast_tf", "confidence_gain", "constrain_threshold", "constrain_threshold_yaw", "gain_factor", ...]

To query a specific config value:

curl http://localhost:8888/api/config/GridLocalization/gain_factor

To query a sub-tree of the configuration:

curl http://localhost:8888/api/config/GridLocalization
{"broadcast_tf": true, "confidence_gain": 0.01, "constrain_threshold": 0.1, "constrain_threshold_yaw": 0.2, "gain_factor": 0.01, ...}

To query the entire configuration tree:

curl http://localhost:8888/api/config

The terminal output log messages are available via the path /api/log/.

Each message is of type vnx.LogMsg.

To get all errors which occured since startup:

curl http://localhost:8888/api/log/errors

To get all recent messages:

curl http://localhost:8888/api/log/recent
{"1": [...], "2": [...], "3": [...], "4": [...]}

To get recent warnings only:

curl http://localhost:8888/api/log/recent/2

The log levels are as follows:

  • 1 = ERROR
  • 2 = WARN
  • 3 = INFO
  • 4 = DEBUG

Log messages are also written to disk and can be accessed via http://example:8888/user/data/logs/.


A history of events is available via the path /api/events/.

Each entry is of type pilot.Event or any of it’s derived types such as pilot.Incident.

To get a list of recent events:

curl http://localhost:8888/api/events/recent

To get recent error events only:

curl http://localhost:8888/api/events/errors

The latest events are at the end of the respective list.


For certain data types there are special views available via the path /api/view/.

To get a cost map (see pilot.CostMapData) as a PGN image:

curl "http://localhost:8888/api/view/cost_map?topic=navigation.local_cost_map&color=true&alpha=128" > local_cost_map.png

To get a grid map (see pilot.OccupancyMapData) as a PGN image:

curl "http://localhost:8888/api/view/occupancy_map?topic=navigation.grid_map&alpha=255" > grid_map.png

Lua Script

A Lua script that can be executed by the TaskHandler module must at least have a main function. The default name is main, so the minimal script is:

function main()
        -- do something
Command Reference

The following commands are available to Lua scripts through the programming interface.

Commands denoted void return true or false depending on whether the command succeeded. Commands with a return type either return a value of that type or nil if the command failed.

See for more information regarding the Lua script language itself.


The commands in this section take an optional parameter of type pilot.goal_options_t. If not given, the default values are used.

void move_to_station(string name, goal_options_t options)

Moves the platform to the station named name.

void move_to_position(Pose2D position, goal_options_t options)

Moves the platform to the given position. See pilot.Pose2D.

void move_to(MapStation station, goal_options_t options)

Moves the platform to the place described by station. It may or may not be a station of the Road Map. See pilot.MapStation.

void move(double dx, double dy, double dr, goal_options_t options)

Moves the platform in the given direction, as seen from the platform’s point of view (relative to base_link). See Coordinate Systems.

void cancel_goal()

Cancels the current goal (if any) which causes the platform to stop moving and the corresponding move command to fail. This command can be useful in an event handler.

User Input
int wait_for_joystick()

Waits until any button on the active joystick is pressed and returns the ID of the button.

void wait_for_joystick_button(int button)

Waits until the button with ID button is pressed on the active joystick.

void wait_for_digital_input(int channel, bool state)

Waits until the digital input channel reaches state state. The digital inputs are enumerated from 0 to 15.

void wait_ms(int period)

Pauses for period milliseconds.

void wait_sec(int period)

Pauses for period seconds.

void wait_min(int period)

Pauses for period minutes.

void wait_hours(int period)

Pauses for period hours.

void set_relay(int channel, bool state)

Sets the relay with id channel to state state.

void set_digital_output(int channel, bool state)

Sets the digital output with id channel to state state. The digital outputs are enumerated from 0 to 15.

void set_display_text(string text)

Prints text on the first line of the LCD display. There is enough space for 20 characters.

void charge()

Starts the charging process. Fails immediately if no charger is detected. Otherwise blocks until the charging is either finished or aborted.

void start_charging()

Starts the charging process, i.e. activates the corresponding relay.

void stop_charging()

Stops the charging process, i.e. deactivates the corresponding relay.

Information Requests
int get_time_sec()

Returns the current time stamp in seconds.

int get_time_millis()

Returns the current time stamp in milliseconds.

int get_time_micros()

Returns the current time stamp in microseconds.

Pose2D get_position()

Returns the current position on the map. See pilot.Pose2D.

MapNode find_station(string name)

Finds and returns the node / station called name. See pilot.MapStation and See pilot.MapNode.

double get_battery_remaining()

Returns the remaining battery charge as a percentage from 0 to 1.

bool is_charging()

Returns true if charging is in progress.

void log_info(string message)

Generates a log message with priority INFO.

void log_warn(string message)

Generates a log message with priority WARN.

void log_error(string message)

Generates a log message with priority ERROR.

Control Flow
void block()

Pauses execution of the main thread.


Only use in event handlers!

void unblock()

Resumes execution of the main thread.


Only use in event handlers!

Builtin Functions
bool auto_charge(string pre_stage1, string pre_stage2, string charge_station, float undock_distance, float max_velocity)

Automatically docks at a specified charging station, charges the batteries until full and then undocks from the station.

pre_stage1 is a map station somewhere close (less than 1 m) to the charging station with an orientation close to the final docking pose. There should still be enough space to rotate fully without hitting the charging station.

pre_stage2 is a map station from where to start the docking process without having to rotate anymore. There should be about 10 to 20 cm of space between the contacts at this position.

charge_station is a map station where the platform makes contact with the charging station. It should be specified very precisely, within a few mm of accuracy.

undock_distance is the amount of distance to move backwards after finishing the charging process. The default is 0.25 m. Make sure the robot is allowed to move this much backwards, in case of a differential platform without a second laser scanner. max_velocity is the maximum velocity in [m/s] with which to dock and undock. The default is 0.05 m/s.

Returns true if successful, false otherwise.

A require 'neobotix' is needed to access this function in Lua script. Permissions MOVE and CHARGE are required, see pilot.permission_e.

void reset_motors()

Attempts to re-activate motors (clears any latched erros). Same action as when releasing EM stop.

A require 'neobotix' is needed to access this function in Lua script. Permission MOVE is required, see pilot.permission_e.

OPC-UA Functions

UA node ids are specified in Lua via an array of two values. Numeric and string node ids are supported as follows: {0, 1337} or {1, "MyObject"}.

A require 'neobotix' is needed to access these functions in Lua script.

Variant opc_ua_call(string proxy, pair<ushort, Variant> object, string method, vector<Variant> args)

Performs an OPC-UA call via the specified proxy and returns the result of it.

proxy is the name of a running vnx.opc_ua.Proxy module, see opcua_proxy_map.

object is an optional UA node id of the object for which to call the method. Can be set to nil in order to call a global method.

method is the method name (OPC-UA browse name).

args is an array of function parameters.

In case of failure nil or false is returned, depending on if the method has a return value (nil) or not (false). In case of multiple return values an array is returned.

Variant opc_ua_read(string proxy, pair<ushort, Variant> object, string variable)

Reads an OPC-UA variable via the specified proxy.

proxy is the name of a running vnx.opc_ua.Proxy module, see opcua_proxy_map.

object is a UA node id of the object containing the variable. Setting it to nil is equivalent to calling opc_ua_read_global.

variable is the variable name (OPC-UA browse name).

Returns the value read, or nil in case of failure.

Variant opc_ua_read_global(string proxy, pair<ushort, Variant> variable)

Reads a global OPC-UA variable via the specified proxy.

proxy is the name of a running vnx.opc_ua.Proxy module, see opcua_proxy_map.

variable is a UA node id of a global variable.

Returns the value read, or nil in case of failure.

bool opc_ua_write(string proxy, pair<ushort, Variant> object, string variable, Variant value)

Writes a value to an OPC-UA variable via the specified proxy.

proxy is the name of a running vnx.opc_ua.Proxy module, see opcua_proxy_map.

object is a UA node id of the object containing the variable. Setting it to nil is equivalent to calling opc_ua_write_global.

variable is the variable name (OPC-UA browse name).

value is the value to be written.

Returns true on success, false in case of failure.

bool opc_ua_write_global(string proxy, pair<ushort, Variant> variable, Variant value)

Writes a value to a global OPC-UA variable via the specified proxy.

proxy is the name of a running vnx.opc_ua.Proxy module, see opcua_proxy_map.

variable is a UA node id of a global variable.

value is the value to be written.

Returns true on success, false in case of failure.

Variant execute(string module, string method, Object params)

Executes a function method of the module module. The parameters are specified as key-value pairs in params. If the method does not take parameters, params can be omitted.

If method does not have a return type, the command returns true or false, depending on whether it succeeded. If method does have a return type, either a value of that type is returned or nil on failure.

See vnx.Variant and vnx.Object.


This command allows almost unlimited access to the functionality of PlatformPilot. However, it also allows you to leave the boundaries of safe operation and must therefore be considered dangerous.

Event Handlers

The following functions, if defined in your script, will be called upon specific events. Events are queued and the next event handler will only be called after the current one finished.

Be aware that the calls happen asynchronously to the main thread. The two executions run in parallel while abiding to Lua’s cooperative multithreading model. You can use the block() and unblock() functions to avoid multithreading issues.

void on_em_stop()

Is executed when the emergency stop button is pushed.

void on_scanner_stop()

Is executed when the scanner emergency stop is triggered.

void on_em_reset()

Is executed when a previous emergency situation (button and/or scanner) is resolved and the platform can move again.

void on_joystick_button_pressed(int button)

Is executed when the joystick button with ID button changes its state from not pressed to pressed.

void on_joystick_button_released(int button)

Is executed when the joystick button with ID button canges its state from pressed to not pressed.

void on_digital_input_on(int channel)

Is executed when the digital input channel changes its state from off to on.

void on_digital_input_off(int channel)

Is executed when the digital input channel changes its state from on to off.

void on_battery_low()

Is executed when the battery drops below a low level.

void on_battery_critical()

Is executed when the battery drops below a critical level.


Move to stations in the Road Map in a loop:

function main()
        while true do

Move randomly to any of the specified stations in a loop, abort in case of failure, stop when the Y button on the joystick is pressed:

function odyssey(stations)
                index = math.random(1, #stations)
        until not move_to_station(stations[index])

function on_joystick_button_pressed(button)
        if button == 3 then

function main()
        odyssey({"Station20", "Station10", "Station12", "Station14", "Station1"})

Dock to a charging station using special parameters:

move_to_station("ChargeStation", {
                max_velocity = 0.1,
                drive_flags = {"IGNORE_FOOTPRINT", "DISABLE_ROTATION"}

Undock from a charging station using a relative move command with special parameters:

move(-0.25, 0, 0, {
                max_velocity = 0.1,
                drive_flags = {"IGNORE_FOOTPRINT", "DISABLE_ROTATION"}

Using the built-in auto_charge(...) function to dock, charge and undock:

require 'neobotix'

function main()
        auto_charge("PreStage1", "PreStage2", "ChargeStation", 0.25, 0.05);

Calling an OPC-UA method:

require 'neobotix'

function main()
        ret = opc_ua_call("OPC_UA_Proxy", {1, "vnx.process"}, "get_name")
        log_warn(ret) --> "pilot_main"
        ret = opc_ua_call("OPC_UA_Proxy", {1, "HybridPlanner"}, "set_goal_stations", {
                {"Station4", "Station3", "Station2"}

With opcua_proxy_map set to [["OPC_UA_Proxy", "opc.tcp://"]] and enable_opcua_server set to true.

Reading an OPC-UA variable:

require 'neobotix'

function main()
        ret = opc_ua_read("OPC_UA_Proxy", {0, 2253}, "ServerArray")
        log_warn(ret) --> ["urn:open62541.server.application"]

With opcua_proxy_map set to [["OPC_UA_Proxy", "opc.tcp://"]] and enable_opcua_server set to true.

OPC-UA Interface

The OPC-UA interface is provided by the vnx.opc_ua.Server and vnx.opc_ua.Proxy modules.

They allow to access internal modules via OPC-UA method calls, as well as call methods on another OPC-UA server via a Lua Script for example.


To enable the vnx.opc_ua.Server set the following config option:

cd ~/pilot
echo true > config/local/enable_opcua_server

The server will listen on the address opc.tcp:// The port 4840 is the default port for OPC-UA but you can also configure a different port.

The server module is called OPC_UA_Server, so it can be configured as usual by a config file config/local/OPC_UA_Server.json.

  • Pilot modules and their methods are advertised by the server as OPC-UA services. The methods can be called according to the OPC-UA specification. The list of exported services is given by the config key export_services.
  • Pilot topics are advertised as OPC-UA variables and continually updated whenever a new value is published. The list of exported topics is given by the config key export_topics.

To expand any of these lists, put a snippet like this in the configuration file:

        "export_services+": [
        "export_topics+": [

In order to replace any of the lists, omit the respective + character.


The OPC-UA server supports encrypted communication. To enable it, you have to create or obtain a certificate and put the path in the configuration. You should also consider revisiting the key security_policies and adjust it to your needs.

        "certificate_file": "/some/path/to/server_cert.der",
        "private_key_file": "/some/path/to/server_key.der",
        "security_policies": [

To run a vnx.opc_ua.Proxy which connects to another OPC-UA server create the following config file config/local/opcua_proxy_map:

        ["OPC_UA_Proxy_1", "opc.tcp://"],

The above proxy will be available unter the module name OPC_UA_Proxy_1, see Lua Script for examples on how to use it.

As usual, the module can be configured by a config file config/local/OPC_UA_Proxy_1.json.


You can configure encrypted communication of the Proxy module. First obtain or generate a certificate and put the path in the configuration file. You should also consider chooosing a reasonable value for the key security_mode.

        "certificate_file": "/some/path/to/client_cert.der",
        "private_key_file": "/some/path/to/client_key.der",
        "security_mode": "SIGN_AND_ENCRYPT"

To create self-signed certificates for the server and the proxy side, use the script provided by the open62541 project here as follows:

python -k 4096 -c server -u urn:open62541.server.application
python -k 4096 -c client -u urn:open62541.client.application

The -u switch sets the application URI that must match the one configured in the module. The values given here are the defaults.

Data Types

Primitive data types are directly mapped to their OPC-UA counter parts, such as int to INT32, float to FLOAT, etc. string is directly mapped to a OPC-UA STRING. Arrays of said types are directly mapped to OPC-UA arrays.

Anything else will be converted to JSON and transported via a LocalizedText object, with the locale set to JSON.

ROS Bridge

The ROS Bridge allows to integrate PlatformPilot into a ROS environment, such that it is possible to control the platform via ROS as well as visualize all data in RViz.


It is assumed that a ROS workspace has already been setup on the platform’s PC, for example ~/ros_workspace/. See for more information.

To install the ROS Bridge:

cd ~/ros_workspace/src/
git clone
cd ~/ros_workspace/

The package depends on an already installed neobotix-pilot-core or neobotix-pilot-gtkgui package.


To run the ROS bridge on the platform:

source ~/ros_workspace/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch pilot_ros_bridge mpo_700.launch

Replace mpo_700.launch with mpo_500.launch or mp_400.launch, depending on your platform.

It is also possible to run the ROS bridge on another PC, by adapting the pilot_node param in the launch file:

<param name="pilot_node" type="str" value=""/>

Replace with the actual IP address of the platform.

In addition you can disable user authentication on the TCP server to allow for all functionality via the ROS Bridge. To do this create a config file config/local/TcpServer.json:

        "use_authentication": false

This is only necessary when running the ROS Bridge on another PC.


The following topics are enabled on the ROS bridge by default. You can add more by adapting the config file config/default/generic/Pilot_ROS_Bridge.json in pilot-ros-bridge.

"export_map": [
        ["platform.odometry",                   "/odom"],
        ["sensors.laser_scan.lidar_1",          "/lidar_1/scan"],
        ["sensors.laser_scan.lidar_2",          "/lidar_2/scan"],
        ["sensors.filtered_scan.lidar_1",       "/lidar_1/scan_filtered"],
        ["sensors.filtered_scan.lidar_2",       "/lidar_2/scan_filtered"],
        ["kinematics.drive_state",              "/drives/joint_states"],
        ["mapping.grid_map",                    "/mapping/map"],
        ["mapping.grid_map_tile",               "/mapping/map_tile"],
        ["mapping.grid_map_tile_ref",           "/mapping/map_tile_ref"],
        ["navigation.grid_map",                 "/map"],
        ["navigation.grid_map_tile",            "/map_tile"],
        ["navigation.map_pose",                 "/map_pose"],
        ["navigation.map_particles",            "/particlecloud"],
        ["navigation.road_map",                 "/road_map"],
        ["navigation.global_path",              "/global_path"],
        ["navigation.local_path",               "/local_path"],
        ["navigation.local_cost_map",           "/local_cost_map"],
        ["navigation.local_cost_map_overlay",   "/local_cost_map_overlay"],
        ["navigation.global_cost_map",          "/global_cost_map"],
        ["navigation.global_cost_map_overlay",  "/global_cost_map_overlay"],
        ["local_planner.target_pose",           "/local_planner/target_pose"],
        ["local_planner.predicted_pose",        "/local_planner/predicted_pose"]
"import_map": [
        [["/cmd_vel", "geometry_msgs/Twist"],           "platform.velocity_cmd"],
        [["/initialpose", "geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped"],   "navigation.initial_pose"],
        [["/move_base_simple/goal", "geometry_msgs/PoseStamped"],       "navigation.new_goal_pose"]

API Reference

Common Datatypes

empty space
8-bit boolean (default = false)
8-bit signed integer (default = 0)
8-bit unsigned integer (default = 0)
16-bit signed integer (default = 0)
16-bit unsigned integer (default = 0)
32-bit signed integer (default = 0)
32-bit unsigned integer (default = 0)
64-bit signed integer (default = 0)
64-bit unsigned integer (default = 0)
32-bit floating point number (default = 0)
64-bit floating point number (default = 0)
UTF-8 string (default = “”)
A list of values of type T. (default = [])
An optional value of type T. (default = null)
An ordered set of values of type T. (no duplicates)
map<K, V>
An ordered map with key type K and value type V. (no duplicate keys)
pair<K, V>
A pair of values of type K and V respectively.
A value of type T or any derived type, or null. (default = null)

Coordinate Systems

Below are the most common coordinate systems used. In addition to those each sensor usually has its own coordinate system too.

Odometry (odom)

This is an arbitrary coordinate system with it’s origin at the starting position (at the time of power on) of the platform. X and Y form the plane of movement, while Z is pointing upwards and aligned with gravity. Usually there is no motion in Z direction, except when a roll and pitch sensor is installed. The internal name is odom.

Map (map)

This is the coordinate system of the currenly used Grid Map and Road Map. Usually the Grid Map is created first and it’s origin is the starting position of where the map was created initially. X and Y form the plane of movement, while Z is pointing upwards and aligned with gravity. The internal name is map.



Transform3D represents a 2D/3D transformation from a specified coordinate system to another. It can be described by a 4x4 matrix that transforms a 3D vector from the source coordinate system to the target coordinate system.

long time

POSIX timestamp in [usec].

string frame

Source coordinate system name.

string parent

Target coordinate system name.

Matrix4d matrix

The transformation matrix, such that left multiplying a vector transforms it from the source coordinate system frame to the target coordinate system parent. For example: target = matrix * [x, y, z, 1]^T. See math.Matrix4d.


A 4x4 double (64-bit float) matrix, usually a 3D transformation matrix.


A 2D double (64-bit float) vector, usually a (x, y) position. Mathmatically a column vector, in JSON an array of 2 numbers.


A 3D double (64-bit float) vector, usually (x, y, z) for a 3D position, or (x, y, yaw) for a 2D pose. Mathmatically a column vector, in JSON an array of 3 numbers.


A 3D float vector, usually (x, y, z) for a 3D position, or (x, y, yaw) for a 2D pose. Mathmatically a column vector, in JSON an array of 3 numbers.


Contains the list of currently active incidents, which is periodically published on topic platform.active_incidents.

long time

POSIX timestamp [usec]

vector<event_t> events

List of active incidents, see pilot.event_t.


BatteryState contains information regarding the platform’s batteries.

Inherits from pilot.Sample.

float remaining

Percentage of charge remaining, from 0 to 1.

float voltage

Battery voltage in [V].

float current

Battery current, positive = charging, in [A].

float temperature

Battery temperatue in [C].

battery_type_e type

Battery type, see pilot.battery_type_e.


Status updates to be published by robots.

Inherits from pilot.RobotInfo.

long time

POSIX timestamp [usec]


A map representing the navigation cost based on the proximity to walls and other obstacles.

Inherits from pilot.GridMapData.

static const uchar PROHIBITED = 254
static const uchar UNKNOWN = 255
float cost_scale

obstacle distance scale [m]

distance = (1 - (cost / 200)) * cost_scale

Image8 cost
  • 0 to 200 = cost
  • 200 = wall
  • > 200 = same as occupancy map
ImageF32 to_float() const

convert to float format (0 to 1)

Image8 to_rgba_image(int alpha) const

for visualization (with color)

Image8 to_rgba_mono_image(int alpha) const

for visualization (just grayscale)

static Vector4uc to_rgba(int value, int alpha)

convert occupancy to RGBA

static Vector4uc to_rgba_mono(int value, int alpha)

convert occupancy to RGBA mono


EmergencyState contains information regarding the platform’s emergency systems.

Inherits from pilot.Sample.

em_stop_state_e state

Current EM Stop state, see pilot.em_stop_state_e.

bool is_button_stop

If an emergency stop button has been pressed.

bool is_scanner_stop

If a scanner stop was triggered.


Generic event type, as published on topic for example.

long time

POSIX timestamp [usec]

event_t event

Event data, see pilot.event_t.

Object info

Additional information regarding the event, see vnx.Object.


A history of recent execution states of the TaskHandler.

list<ExecutionState *> history

ExecutionState contains information about the current state of the TaskHandler.

Inherits from pilot.Sample.

execution_state_e status

Current execution state, see pilot.execution_state_e.

Hash64 jobid

Current program execution id. See vnx.Hash64.

string program_name

Name of the running program.

Task *task

Current task being executed, if any. See pilot.Task.

vector<StackFrame> stack

Execution stack, most recent first. See pilot.StackFrame.

long time_started

POSIX time stamp when program was started in [usec].

long time_ended

POSIX time stamp when program has finised in [usec], zero otherwise (ie. still running).

bool is_minor

True if current task is nothing major, for example log message output, etc.


Footprint describes the space needed by a platform, including the safety scanner fields with some additional padding.

vector<Vector2d> points

List of 2D (x, y) [m, m] points in base_link coordinates that form a polygon representing the footprint. The points should be specified either in clockwise or anti-clockwise direction.

See Coordinate Systems.


Base class of pixel based world maps.

Inherits from pilot.Sample.

string name
long last_modified

timestamp [usec]

float scale

size of a pixel in [m]

Vector2d origin

grid offset (map position of lower left pixel, world to map) [m]

double orientation

grid rotation (world to map) [rad]

void transform(Transform3D *sample)
Matrix4d get_grid_to_frame() const

computes grid to ‘frame’ 2.5D transformation matrix

Matrix4d get_frame_to_grid() const

computes ‘frame’ to grid 2.5D transformation matrix

bool same_as(GridMapData *other) const

returns true if both have same name and last_modified time

map_info_t get_info() const

Generic incident type, as published on for example.

External modules can publish their own incidents on topic platform.incidents. They will be handled by PilotServer and re-published on as required.

Inherits from pilot.Event.

bool is_active

If this incident is currently active, ie. not a one time event.

bool is_cleared

If this incident was active before and is now cleared, ie. no longer active.

int timeout_ms = 3000

Timeout in case of an active incident in [ms]. timeout_ms <= 0 disables the feature. If the incident is not re-published within the specified timeout it will be automatically cleared by PilotServer.


JoyData contains data from a connected joystick.

Inherits from pilot.Sample.

vector<float> axes

List of joystick axis and their position from -1 to 1. Usually there are the following: [JOYAXIS_LEFT_X, JOYAXIS_LEFT_Y, JOYAXIS_LT, JOYAXIS_RIGHT_X, JOYAXIS_RIGHT_Y, JOYAXIS_RT, JOYAXIS_MAX]

vector<bool> buttons



LaserPointCloud contains additional information for laser point clouds.

Inherits from pilot.PointCloud2D.

vector<uchar> intensity

Measured intensities for each point in points. An intensity >= 100 is a reflector, 200 is a perfect reflector.


LocalPlannerState represents the current state of the LocalPlanner.

Inherits from pilot.Sample.

Hash64 job

Unique id of the current job / goal.

long path_time

POSIX timestamp of the current path in [usec].

double path_length

Total path length in [meters].

PathPoint2D *point

Current path point if any (ie. closest to current position).

PathPoint2D *goal

Current goal point, ie. last point in current path.

goal_options_t goal_options

Current goal options.

Vector2d pos_error

Current (x, y) position error in [meters].

double yaw_error

Current yaw orientation error in [radians].

float update_rate

Current control update rate in [1/s].

local_planner_state_e state

Current local planner state, see pilot.local_planner_state_e.

limit_reason_e velocity_reason

Current reason for velocity limitation, see pilot.limit_reason_e.

limit_reason_e yawrate_reason

Current reason for yawrate limitation, see pilot.limit_reason_e.

float time_stuck

How long the platform has already been stuck in [seconds], in case state == STUCK.

float progress

Relative progress, from 0 to 1. Ratio of traversed path distance vs. total path length.

bool is_backwards

If platform is currently driving backwards.

bool is_restricted

If platform is currently restricted from turning around.

vector<int> path_history

Sliding window history of traversed path element ids, newest at the end. See pilot.MapElement. Usually contains at least the last 10 elements.


LocalizationStatus contains information about the current state of localization.

Inherits from pilot.Sample.

localization_mode_e mode

Current localization mode, see pilot.localization_mode_e.

set<string> sensors

Current list of sensors used for localization.

float update_rate

Current update rate in [1/s]

int num_points

Number of valid sensor points, excluding reflectors.

int num_points_total

Number of valid sensor points, including reflector points.

Vector3f std_dev

Current particle spread standard deviation (x, y, yaw) [m, m, rad]. See math.Vector3f.

float score

Current scan matching score, ie. average likelihood. More is better, maximum is 1.0 (ie. all scan points are matching exactly to the Grid Map).


Describes a special area within a map.

string name
string type
string description
polygon_t outline
float_param_t max_velocity
vector<area_property_e> flags

MapElement is the base class for an entity in the Road Map.

int id

Unique id for the element, starting at zero.

string group

Logical group name, mostly for visualization purposes.

vector<string> profiles

List of profiles assinged to this element, parameters are copied / over-written in the order of profiles listed.


MapMatch describes the current position in terms of the Road Map, when possible.

Inherits from pilot.Sample.

bool is_valid

If a match was found or not.

float distance

Shortest distance from platform center to matched node or segment in [meters].

MapNode *node

The matched pilot.MapNode if near a node.

RoadSegment *segment

The matched pilot.RoadSegment if on a segment, which is normally the case.


MapNode describes a node in a Road Map. It has a position as well as an optional name, in addition to some parameters.

Inherits from pilot.MapElement.

int parent = -1

Parent node id, if any. If a pilot.MapNode or pilot.MapStation has a parent its position (and orientation) is defined relative to it.

string name

Optional node name, usually a station name.

Vector2d position

2D (x, y) map position, see math.Vector2d.

Vector3d offset

3D (x, y, yaw) pose offset relative to parent, see math.Vector3d. If parent is a pilot.MapStation the offset is relative to its orientation.

set<drive_flags_e> drive_flags

A set of drive flags for this node, see pilot.drive_flags_e.


MapProfile represents a set of parameters which can be applied to multiple map elements at once.

string name

Profile name, should be unique.

string description

Profile description text.

Object node

A set of pilot.MapNode parameters. See vnx.Object.

Object segment

A set of pilot.RoadSegment parameters. See vnx.Object.

Object station

A set of pilot.MapStation parameters. See vnx.Object.


MapStation describes a station in a Road Map, something which can be set as a goal. It has a position as well as an orientation, in addition to some parameters.

Inherits from pilot.MapNode.

float orientation

Absolute map goal orientation in [radians].

float_param_t goal_tune_time

Additional time for fine tuning position in [seconds]. See pilot.float_param_t.

vector_3f_param_t goal_tolerance

Maximum goal position error (x, y, yaw) [m, m, rad], see pilot.vector_3f_param_t.


Map with environment information used for navigation.

Inherits from pilot.GridMapData.

static const uchar FREE = 0
static const uchar DYNAMIC = 253
static const uchar PROHIBITED = 254
static const uchar UNKNOWN = 255
Image8 occupancy

Represents the pixel grid.

  • 0 to 100 = wall
  • 101 to 200 = reflector
  • 254 = prohibited
  • 255 = unknown
Image8 to_mono_image() const

convert to 8-bit format (0 to 255)

Image8 to_rgba_image(int alpha) const

for visualization

ImageF32 to_float(float special, bool combined) const

convert to float format (0 to 1)

OccupancyMapData *to_reflector_map() const

convert to reflector occupancy (shift 200 to 100, erase 0 to 100)

OccupancyMapData *to_combined_map() const

convert reflectors to normal occupancy (map 200 to 100)

static Vector4uc to_rgba(int value, int alpha)

convert occupancy to RGBA


Odometry contains information about the platform’s odometry, as well as velocities. See also Coordinate Systems.

Inherits from basic.Transform3D.

Vector3d position

Current 3D (x, y, z) [m] odom position.

Vector3d orientation

Current 3D (roll, pitch, yaw) [rad] odom orientation.

Vector3f linear_velocity

Current 3D (x, y, z) [m/s] odom velocity.

Vector3f angular_velocity

Current 3D (roll, pitch, yaw) [rad/s] odom angular velocity.


Path2D represents a 2D path made of individual pilot.PathPoint2D points, in a given coordinate system.

Inherits from pilot.Sample.

Hash64 job

Unique job id for this path / goal.

vector<PathPoint2D *> points

List of path points, see pilot.PathPoint2D.


PathPoint2D represents a point on a path to navigate. They are usually generated from a Road Map and then optimized while driving. It can also be a final goal position.

Inherits from pilot.Pose2D.

int map_id = -1

Id of the map element in the Road Map, if any.

drive_mode_e drive_mode = DEFAULT

Specifies how the robot should navigate, see pilot.drive_mode_e.

set<drive_flags_e> drive_flags

A set of drive flags for this path point, see pilot.drive_flags_e.

float_param_t orientation

Yaw angle offset relative to pose.z() (holonomic only) in [radians]. See pilot.float_param_t.

float_param_t max_velocity

Maximum velocity in [m/s]. See pilot.float_param_t.

float_param_t max_yawrate

Maximum yawrate in [rad/s]. See pilot.float_param_t.

float_param_t goal_tune_time

Additional time for fine tuning position in [seconds]. See pilot.float_param_t.

vector_3f_param_t tolerance

Maximum position error (x, y, yaw) [m, m, rad], see pilot.vector_3f_param_t.

bool is_restricted

True if a 360 degree rotation is not possible at this location.


PilotState contains information about the current state of the robot.

long time

POSIX timestamp in [usec]

pilot_mode_e pilot_mode

Current pilot mode, see pilot.pilot_mode_e.

motion_mode_e motion_mode

Current motion mode, see pilot.motion_mode_e.

LocalPlannerState *planner

Current local planner state, see pilot.LocalPlannerState.

LocalizationStatus *localization

Current localization status, see pilot.LocalizationStatus.

ExecutionState *execution

Current task execution status, see pilot.ExecutionState.

bool is_recording

If data recording is currently active, see topic vnx.recorder_status.


PlatformInfo contains static information about the robot.

platform_type_e type

Type of the platform, see pilot.platform_type_e.

string name

Name of the robot.

string serial

Serial number of the robot.

long date_of_manufacture

POSIX timestamp regarding the date of manufacture of the robot in [seconds].

vector<string> features

List of special features that the platform has.


PointCloud2D contains a cloud of 2D points, usually laser points. See also pilot.LaserPointCloud.

Inherits from pilot.Sample.

string sensor

Original sensor coordinate frame. (also name of sensor)

sensor_2d_range_t field

Field of view of the sensor, relative to its own coordinate system, see pilot.sensor_2d_range_t.

Transform3D *base_to_odom

Transformation from base_link to odom frame at the time of this scan.

Transform3D *sensor_to_base

Transformation from sensor to base_link frame.

vector<Vector2d> points

List of 2D (x, y) points [meters], in frame coordinates, see pilot.Sample.


Pose2D represents a 2D pose (x, y, yaw) in the specified coordinate system.

Inherits from basic.Transform3D.

Vector3d pose

2D pose (x, y, yaw) [m, m, rad], see math.Vector3d.

Matrix3f covariance

Optional pose covariance matrix.


An aggregation of poses.

Inherits from pilot.Sample.

vector<Vector3d> poses

[x, y, yaw] (m, m, rad)

void transform(Transform3D *sample)

RoadMapData contains all the information regarding a Road Map.

string name

Name of the map.

long last_modified

POSIX timestamp when the map was last modified in [usec].

vector<MapNode *> nodes

List of map nodes, see pilot.MapNode.

vector<RoadSegment *> segments

List of road segments, see pilot.RoadSegment.

map<string, MapProfile *> profiles

Map of map profiles [name => profile], see pilot.MapProfile.

vector<MapArea *> areas

List of map areas, see pilot.MapArea.


RoadSegment represents a connection in the Road Map from one pilot.MapNode to another.

Inherits from pilot.MapElement.

int from_node

pilot.MapNode id from where the segment begins.

int to_node

pilot.MapNode id to where the segment goes.

char direction = 0

-1 = one way backwards, 0 = two way, 1 = one way forwards

drive_mode_e drive_mode = RELAXED_PATH_FOLLOW

Drive mode to be used on this segment, see pilot.drive_mode_e.

orientation_mode_e orientation_mode = RELATIVE_ROAD

Orientation mode to be used on this segment, see pilot.orientation_mode_e.

float_param_t tolerance

Lateral tolerance in [meters], how much the path can be modified while driving (to avoid obstacles, etc). See pilot.float_param_t.

float_param_t orientation

Orientation to drive at on this segment in [radians]. Actual orientation depends on orientation_mode. See pilot.float_param_t.

float_param_t orientation_tolerance

Maximum deviation allowed from the target orientation on this segment in [radians]. See pilot.float_param_t.

float_param_t max_velocity

Maximum velocity allowed on this segment in [m/s]. See pilot.float_param_t.

float_param_t max_yawrate

Maximum yawrate allowed on this segment in [rad/s]. See pilot.float_param_t.

set<drive_flags_e> drive_flags

A set of drive flags for this segment, see pilot.drive_flags_e.


Information about the overall status of a robot.

Hash64 id

unique robot id

optional<map_info_t> grid_map

used grid map

optional<map_info_t> road_map

used road map

optional<pose_2d_t> map_pose
optional<Vector3f> velocity

relative to base_link (x, y, yaw) [m/s, m/s, rad/s]

PilotState *state
Path2D *map_path
MapMatch *map_match
Footprint *footprint
PlatformInfo *platform
SystemState *system_status
BatteryState *battery_state
EmergencyState *emergency_state
vector<PointCloud2D *> laser_scans

in map coordinates


Sample is a base class for any type requiring a time stamp as well as a coordinate system.

long time

POSIX timestamp in [usec]

string frame

Coordinate system name, usually map, odom or base_link, see Coordinate Systems.


StackFrame contains information about the context of execution of the TaskHandler.

string method

Method name of the function on the call stack.

int line_number

Line number in the source code.


SystemStatus contains information about the platform’s hardware.

float ambient_temperature

Ambient temperature inside the platform in [C].

vector<bool> relay_states

State of the power relays, usually there is 4 of them.

keypad_state_t keypad_state

Keypad button states, if available, see pilot.keypad_state_t.

charging_state_e charging_state

Current charging state, see pilot.charging_state_e.

power_system_type_e power_system_type

Type of power system, see pilot.power_system_type_e.

vector<system_error_e> system_errors

List of system errors currently active, see pilot.system_error_e.

bool is_shutdown

If platform has been asked to shutdown now, via the key switch.

bool is_initialized

If platform hardware is initialized.


Task contains information about the current task being executed by the TaskHandler.

Hash64 id

Unique task id, randomly generated. See vnx.Hash64.

string module

Module name which is handling the task, empty if handled internally.

string method

Method name of the task being executed.

Object args

Parameters for the task being executed. See vnx.Object.


VelocityCmd contains the current commanded platform velocity. Usually only X / Y velocity and yawrate are specified.

Inherits from pilot.Sample.

Vector3f linear

3D (x, y, z) translational velocity in [m/s].

Vector3f angular

3D (roll, pitch, yaw) angular velocity in [rad/s].

bool allow_wheel_reset = true

If to allow automatic wheel resetting of an MPO-700.

bool reset_wheels = false

If to reset the wheels of an MPO-700 to their home position, when not moving.


VelocityLimits defines different limits and thresholds regarding platform velocity.

float max_vel_x

Maximum forward velocity (positive) [m/s]

float min_vel_x

Maximum backwards velocity (negative) [m/s]

float max_vel_y

Maximum lateral velocity (positive) [m/s]

float max_trans_vel

Maximum translational velocity in any direction (positive) [m/s]

float min_trans_vel

Minimum translational velocity (positive) [m/s]

float max_rot_vel

Maximum absolute yawrate (positive) [rad/s]

float min_rot_vel

Minimum absolute yawrate (positive) [rad/s]

float trans_stopped_vel

Threshold for deciding when platform is stopped based on translational velocity (positive) [m/s]

float rot_stopped_vel

Threshold for deciding when platform is stopped based on rotational velocity (positive) [rad/s]


Describes a property of a pilot.MapArea.

enumerator PROHIBITED

Describes an error or warning regarding the battery.

enumerator BATT_LOW

If battery is below ~25% remaining.

enumerator BATT_CRITICAL

If battery is below ~10% remaining.

enumerator BATT_OVERHEAT

If battery temperature is above 50C.


Denotes the battery type.

enumerator AGM

Lead battery with absorbent glass mat technology

enumerator LFP

Lithium iron phosphate battery


Displays the charging state of the battery.

enumerator NOT_CHARGING
enumerator IS_CHARGING
enumerator NO_CHARGER
enumerator BRAKES_OPEN
enumerator EM_STOP
enumerator ABORTED
enumerator FINISHED

Flags that modifiy robot navigation or behavior.


Flag to disable orientation optimization / modification (holonomic only). Will keep orientation from Road Map, even when the path itself is changed. Used to keep a specific orientation while moving.


Flag to disable collision avoidance, use with care. Used to dock with external components where obstacles can be very close to the robot (inside footprint).


Disable rotation of the robot (forced zero control yawrate). Will prevent robot from rotating while moving, or rotating in place. Used to dock with external components where rotation would lead to damage of the robot or components. If rotation is necessary to reach the goal, a failure will be issued.


Allows driving backwards even when normally prohibited. Used in special cases where unsafe backwards driving is necessary.


Allows driving with arbitrary orientation by default (holonomic only). Will permit infinite yaw lookahead, such as to minimize total yaw motion. If not set, a platform will usually align with orientation of the road.


Disables automatic wheel resetting of the MPO-700. Used to increase positioning accuracy at certain stations.

enumerator RESET_WHEELS

Will reset the wheels of an MPO-700 at the (goal) station to their home positions.


Specifies how the robot should navigate.


Follows a given path exactly, without trying to optimize it. If there is an obstacle the robot will wait.


The given path is optimized while driving. Obstacles may be avoided, corners are cut.


Same as RELAXED_PATH_FOLLOW except that in case of a blockage the robot is allowed to generate a new path by itself.

enumerator FREE_ROAMING

Will ignore the geometry of the path segment(s) and use the GlobalPlanner to create an actual path to follow.

enumerator DEFAULT

One of the above, depending on robot configuration, usually RELAXED_PATH_FOLLOW.


Different states of the Emergency Stop system.

enumerator FREE

Emergency Stop is not engaged, platform is free to move.

enumerator STOPPED

Emergency Stop is engaged, platform is prevented from moving.

enumerator CONFIRMED

Emergency Stop has been released manually, will go to FREE shortly.


Describes an event.

enumerator NEW_GOAL
enumerator GOAL_REACHED
enumerator GOAL_CANCELED
enumerator NEW_TASK
enumerator TASK_FAILED

event_t describes an event, without an attached timestamp.

The fields module, code_type and code uniquely define a specific event type that can occur.

event_type_e type

Event type, see pilot.event_type_e.

string module

Module name that generated the event.

string code_type

Type name for the code field, usually the enum type name. For example: pilot.safety_code_e.

string code

Event code, usually an enum value. For example: EMERGENCY_STOP.


Describes the type of a pilot.event_t.

enumerator ERROR
enumerator WARNING

Possible states of task execution.

enumerator RUNNING

Currently executing a task.

enumerator PAUSED

Execution has been paused.

enumerator FINISHED

Execution has finished.

enumerator CANCELED

Execution was canceled.


float_param_t represents a float value with additional semantic information.

It can always be specified as just a float value, in which case type will be set to CUSTOM.

param_type_e type

Semantic type information, see pilot.param_type_e.

float value

The actual value, depending on type it may not be used.


A set of options to modify how a goal is to be reached.

optional<float> max_velocity

Global velocity limit in [m/s], optional.

optional<float> max_time_stuck

How long to wait until aborting goal when stuck in [seconds] (default = infinite)

optional<drive_mode_e> drive_mode

Custom drive mode for the entire path, see pilot.drive_mode_e.

set<drive_flags_e> drive_flags

Set of additional drive flags for final goal position. See pilot.drive_flags_e.


An object of this type represents the current state of the keypad.

For each button there is a boolean member which is true when the button is pressed and false when it is not.

bool info_button
bool home_button
bool start_button
bool stop_button
bool break_release_button
bool digital_input[3]

An array entry is true if the corresponding digital input is active.


Possible reasons for limiting velocity or yawrate.

enumerator DEFAULT_MAX

Default maximum for the platform. (global configuration)

enumerator CUSTOM_MAX

Custom limit (at current position). (Road Map parameter, or via. pilot.goal_options_t)

enumerator ACCEL_MAX

Limited due to hitting maximum allowed acceleration / decceleration.

enumerator LOCAL_COST

Limited due to obstacles in path or close to path.


Limited due to unexpected deviation from path.


Limited due to unexpected deviation from target orientation.

enumerator CURVE_LIMIT

Limited due to maximum lateral acceleration.

enumerator WAITING

Limited due to waiting for a certain condition.

enumerator GOAL_MAX

Limited due to approaching final goal position.

enumerator LIMIT_AHEAD

Limited due to approaching a lower limit on the path ahead.

enumerator OBSTACLE

Limited due to obstacle blocking the path.

enumerator STOPPING

Limited due to trying to stop.

enumerator FINISHED

Limited due to having reached the goal.


Possible states of the LocalPlanner.

enumerator IDLE

Waiting for a job / goal.

enumerator WAITING

Waiting to move, due to several possible reasons, for example waiting for localization to intialize.

enumerator TRANSLATING

Moving in X / Y direction, can include rotation also.

enumerator ROTATING

Rotating in place, without X / Y movement.

enumerator ADJUSTING

Rotating in place while making small adjustments in X / Y position. For differential kinematics only.

enumerator TURNING

Rotating in place to turn around. For differential kinematics only.

enumerator STUCK

Unable to continue for now, due to obstacles in the path.

enumerator FINISHED

Current goal has been reached, waiting for new job / goal.

enumerator CANCELED

Current goal has been canceled, stopping now.

enumerator LOST

Current position could not be matched to the given path, requesting new path.


Possible modes of localization.

enumerator NONE

No localization running.

enumerator NO_MAP

No Grid Map available.

enumerator NO_INPUT

No sensor input available.

enumerator NO_ODOMETRY

No odometry available.

enumerator LOST

Unable to localize, position most likely wrong.


Performing initial localization, waiting for confidence to increase.


Unable to localize at current position, extrapolating based on odometry.

enumerator MODE_1D

Partial localization in one direction, DEAD_RECKONING otherwise.

enumerator MODE_1D_YAW

Partial localization in one direction plus orientation, DEAD_RECKONING otherwise.

enumerator MODE_2D

Partial localization in X and Y direction, DEAD_RECKONING for orientation.

enumerator MODE_2D_YAW

Full localization in X and Y direction as well as orientation.


A set of motion modes of the robot, defining who is contolling the motion.

enumerator NONE

No motion is possible in this mode.

enumerator CUSTOM

Custom motion commands on topic platform.velocity_cmd control the robot.

enumerator JOYSTICK

Motion commands from a connected joystick control the robot.

enumerator AUTOMATIC

The LocalPlanner is controlling the robot, usually following a path generated by the HybridPlanner.


Different modes affecting the orientation of the platform.

enumerator RELATIVE_ROAD

Specified orientation is relative to the pilot.RoadSegment.

enumerator ABSOLUTE_MAP

Specified orientation is an absolute map orientation (ie. relative to the map coordinate system).


Semantic type of a parameter.

enumerator DEFAULT

The default value should be used.

enumerator CUSTOM

The custom value that is provided should be used.

enumerator OPTIMIZED

Similar to CUSTOM, means the value was optimized internally instead of specified by a user.

enumerator DISABLED

The feature corresponding to the parameter should be disabled.

enumerator IGNORE

The parameter should be ignored.


Permissions that can be given to certain users. See also vnx.permission_e.

enumerator MOVE

Permission to move robot.

enumerator CHARGE

Permission to charge robot.

enumerator INITIALIZE

Permission to initialize localization.

enumerator RECORD_DATA

Permission to start a data recording.


Permission to control robot remotely.

enumerator RELAY_CONTROL

Permission to switch relays.


Permission to display text on the LCD.


Permission to change the active Grid Map.


Permission to change the active Road Map.

enumerator UPLOAD_SCRIPT

Permission to upload / overwrite scripts.


Permission to execute scripts.


Permission to pause / resume scripts.


A set of operating modes of the robot.

enumerator MAPPING

Creation of a new map or updating of an existing map.

enumerator NAVIGATION

Normal navigation mode, using localization with an existing map.

enumerator TELEOP

Basic operation mode, without localization and path planning.

enumerator REPLAY

Special simulation mode to recompute dynamic data based on recorded sensor data, for visualization purposes.


polygon_t describes a geometric polygon in a certain frame of reference.

string frame

Coordinate system name, for example base_link.

vector<Vector2d> points

List of points forming the polygon, see math.Vector2d. The order of points does not matter, clock-wise or anti-clock-wise is both supported.


Specifies the voltage of the system.

enumerator POWER_24V

The system runs on 24 volts.

enumerator POWER_48V

The system runs on 48 volts.


Describes an error of the safety system.

enumerator NONE
enumerator SCANNER_STOP

One of the safety scanners has stopped the platform.


One of the emergency stop buttons has been pressed.


Specifies the range in which a sensor measurement is considered valid.

float min_angle

normalized between -pi to +pi [rad]

float max_angle

normalized between -pi to +pi [rad]

float min_range


float max_range


bool is_valid(float distance) const
bool is_within(float angle, float distance) const
bool is_within_xy(Vector2f point) const
bool is_within_point(laser_point_t point) const
void add_margin(float delta_angle, float delta_range)

The type of a system error.

enumerator MOTOR_ERROR

Emergency stop button failure.


vector_3f_param_t represents a 3D float vector with additional semantic information.

It can always be specified as just a 3D float vector, in which case the types will be set to CUSTOM.

float_param_t x

X value, see pilot.float_param_t.

float_param_t y

Y value, see pilot.float_param_t.

float_param_t z

Z value, see pilot.float_param_t.


Hash64 is a 64-bit unsigned integer, which usually represents a CRC64 hash of a string, or sometimes simply a random number.

The specific hash function used is CRC-64/XZ (alias CRC-64/GO-ECMA), see also


The error object that is contained in error messages returned by JSON-RPC Interface.

int code

One of the following error codes:

static const int PARSE_ERROR = -32700;
static const int INVALID_REQUEST = -32600;
static const int METHOD_NOT_FOUND = -32601;
static const int INVALID_PARAMS = -32602;
static const int INTERNAL_ERROR = -32603;

static const int PERMISSION_DENIED = 403;
static const int EXCEPTION = 500;
string message

A short message to indicate what went wrong.

Exception *data

The actual exeption object as thrown on the server side.


Represents a log message.

static int ERROR = 1
static int WARN = 2
static int INFO = 3
static int DEBUG = 4
long time
int level
int display_level = 3
string process
string module
string message
string get_output() const

Returns a properly formatted line ready to be printed out.


Information about a module.

long time

time stamp (virtual time) [usec]

Hash64 id

unique module id

Hash64 src_mac

source mac for publishing

string name

module name

string type

type name

long time_started

POSIX timestamp [usec]

long time_idle

current stats (see vnx_heartbeat_interval_ms) [usec]

long time_running

current stats (see vnx_heartbeat_interval_ms) [usec]

long time_idle_total

since start of module [usec]

long time_running_total

since start of module [usec]

long num_async_pending

number of pending async requests (waiting for returns)

long num_async_process

number of async requests being processed right now

vector<string> sub_topics

topic subscriptions

vector<string> pub_topics

topic publishers

map<Hash64, Endpoint *> remotes

map of connected processes (process id => endpoint)

TypeCode type_code

module type code

double get_cpu_load() const

0 to 1

double get_cpu_load_total() const

0 to 1 (total average)


Object represents an arbitrary object which is dynamically created and does not have a type. However an optional type name can be specified via a special field called __type. Internally it is a map of string keys to vnx.Variant values.


In JSON format an object is specified as follows:

        "__type": "",
        "field": "value",
        "some": 1234,
        "array": [1, 2, 3, 4],
        "nested": {
                "example": "value",
Lua Script

In Lua Script an object can be created as follows:

                field = "value",
                some = 1234,
                array = {1, 2, 3, 4},
                nested = {
                        example = "value",
Native C++

In native C++ an object can be created as follows:

#include <vnx/vnx.h>

vnx::Object obj;
obj["field"] = "value";
obj["some"] = 1234;
obj["array"] = std::vector<int>{1, 2, 3, 4};

vnx::Object nested;
nested["example"] = "value";
obj["nested"] = nested;

std::cout << obj << std::endl;

A User object represents an entity who can authenticate in order to operate with a special set of permissions.

string name

The name of the user as used to log in.

string hashed_password

A salted SHA-256 hash of the password.

vector<string> access_roles

user access roles

set<string> permissions

additional, user specific permissions


Variant represents a value of arbitrary type which is assigned dynamically. It can be an integral (ie. int, float, …), a string, a vector<T> of values, a set<T> of values, a map<K, V> of values or an vnx.Object, for example.


In JSON format a Variant could be anything, for example: null, true, false, a number, a string, an array of values or an object.

Lua Script

In Lua Script a Variant is a normal Lua variable and can be anyting, for example: nil, true, false, a number, a string, an array of values, a table or an object.

Native C++

In native C++ a Variant can be created / assigned as follows:

#include <vnx/vnx.h>

vnx::Variant example(1234);

std::cout <<<int>() << std::endl;    // 1234

example = "value";

std::cout <<<std::string>() << std::endl;    // value

example = std::vector<int>{1, 2, 3, 4};

std::cout << example << std::endl;              // [1, 2, 3, 4]

vnx::Object obj;
obj["field"] = "value";
example = obj;

std::cout << example << std::endl;              // {"field": "value"}

A set of default access roles and their default permissions.

See also vnx.permission_e.

enumerator DEFAULT

Default access role, mostly used for anonymous users. Does not provide any permissions by default, but that can be changed via configuration.

enumerator VIEWER

Read-only access role. Provides permissions: VIEW, TIME_SYNC.

enumerator OBSERVER

Same as VIEWER, with additional permission CONST_REQUEST.

enumerator USER

Same as OBSERVER, with additional permission READ_CONFIG.

enumerator INSTALLER


enumerator ADMIN



Generic permissions that can be given to certain users.

enumerator VIEW

Permission to subscribe to topics (and access process statistics).

enumerator CONST_REQUEST

Permission to execute const methods that do not explicitly set a permission.

enumerator PUBLISH

Permission to publish samples.

enumerator REQUEST

Permission to execute all methods that do not explicitly set a permission.

enumerator READ_CONFIG

Permission to read config values.

enumerator WRITE_CONFIG

Permission to change config values.


Permission to read/write protected config values (like user passwords etc).

enumerator START

Permission to start new modules.

enumerator STOP

Permission to stop a running module.

enumerator RESTART

Permission to restart a module.

enumerator SHUTDOWN

Permission to shutdown the process.

enumerator HOST_SHUTDOWN

Permission to shutdown the host machine.

enumerator SELF_TEST

Permission to execute self tests.


The security required by the vnx.opc_ua.Proxy from the Server.

enumerator ANY

Accept anything that is also supported by the proxy.

enumerator NONE
enumerator SIGN

The security policy of an endpoint provided by the vnx.opc_ua.Server.

enumerator NONE

No security, no encryption. Can be used without a private key and even without a certificate

enumerator BASIC_128_RSA_15


enumerator BASIC_256


enumerator BASIC_256_SHA_256
enumerator AES_128_SHA_256_RSA_OAEP



The GlobalPlanner module supports path planning based on a global cost map, which is generated from a Grid Map. The module uses an A* style path finding algorithm.

Most functions require permission pilot.permission_e.MOVE, see pilot.permission_e.

Common Parameters
goal_options_t options
Optional goal options, see pilot.goal_options_t. If not specified will use default values.
Hash64 job
Optional job id, to identify the new goal. If not specified (or set to zero) will generate a new random id. See vnx.Hash64.
Asynchronous Move Functions

The following functions set / append a new goal while returing immediately.

void set_goal(PathPoint2D goal, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Sets a new goal using the provided pose and parameters in goal. Any pending goals are canceled beforehand. See pilot.PathPoint2D. Requires permission MOVE.

Synchronous Move Functions

The following functions return when the new goal is physically reached, or the goal was canceled.

void move_to(PathPoint2D goal, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Same as set_goal(...) but will block until goal is reached or canceled. See pilot.PathPoint2D. Requires permission MOVE.


The HttpProxy module provides a HTTP REST API, see HTTP Interface.

Most functions require a special permission, see vnx.permission_e.

void publish(Object sample, string topic)

Will publish a given sample on the specified topic. Requires permission PUBLISH. See vnx.Object.

Object multi_request(map<string, string> paths) const

Performs multiple /api/ HTTP requests in one. paths is a map from paths to output names, for example: [["/topic/...", "topic1"], ...]

The result will be a vnx.Object containing the individual results, for example: {"topic1": {...}, ...}


The HybridPlanner module supports a combined path planning by taking into account a Road Map as well as a Grid Map. It automatically chooses to drive on the Road Map when possible, only to fall back to Grid Map based navigation if needed. As such it supports different ways to specify a goal, either by station name, by providing a modified station structure or by specifying an arbitrary pose.

Multiple goals can be specified, in which case the goals are traversed one after the other, without waiting or stopping at intermediate goals.

Most functions require permission pilot.permission_e.MOVE, see pilot.permission_e.

Common Parameters
goal_options_t options
Optional goal options, see pilot.goal_options_t. If not specified will use default values.
Hash64 job
Optional job id, to identify the new goal. If not specified (or set to zero) will generate a new random id. See vnx.Hash64.
Asynchronous Move Functions

The following functions set / append a new goal while returning immediately. If there is already a goal in progress, the set_* functions cancel it before setting the new goal (the call blocks until the robot stops) while the append_* functions append the new goal after the end of the path.

void set_goal(MapStation goal, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Sets a new goal using the provided pose and parameters in goal. Any pending goals are canceled beforehand. See pilot.MapStation. Requires permission MOVE.

void set_goal_station(string name, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Sets a new goal using the provided station name. Any pending goals are canceled beforehand. The station must exist in the current Road Map. Requires permission MOVE.

void set_goal_position(PathPoint2D goal, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Sets a new goal using the provided pose and parameters in goal. Similar to set_goal(). Any pending goals are canceled beforehand. See pilot.PathPoint2D. Requires permission MOVE.

void append_goal(MapStation goal, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Same as set_goal(...) but will not cancel active or pending goals. See pilot.MapStation. Requires permission MOVE.

void append_goal_station(string name, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Same as set_goal_station(...) but will not cancel active or pending goals. Requires permission MOVE.

void append_goal_position(PathPoint2D goal, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Same as set_goal_position(...) but will not cancel active or pending goals. See pilot.PathPoint2D. Requires permission MOVE.

Synchronous Move Functions

The following functions return when the new goal is physically reached, or the goal was canceled.

void move_to(MapStation goal, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Same as set_goal(...) but will block until goal is reached or canceled. See pilot.MapStation. Requires permission MOVE.

void move_to_station(string name, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Same as set_goal_station(...) but will block until goal is reached or canceled. Requires permission MOVE.

void move_to_position(PathPoint2D goal, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Same as set_goal_position(...) but will block until goal is reached or canceled. See pilot.PathPoint2D. Requires permission MOVE.

Asynchronous Move Sequence Functions

The following functions set / append a list of new goals while returning immediately. If there is already a goal in progress, the set_* functions cancel it before setting the new goal (the call blocks until the robot stops) while the append_* functions append the new goals after the end of the path.

void set_goals(vector<MapStation> goals, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Sets a list of new goals, similar to set_goal(...). See pilot.MapStation. Requires permission MOVE.

void set_goal_stations(vector<string> names, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Sets a list of new goals, similar to set_goal_station(...). The stations must exist in the current Road Map. Requires permission MOVE.

void set_goal_positions(vector<PathPoint2D> goals, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Sets a list of new goals, similar to set_goal_position(...). See pilot.PathPoint2D. Requires permission MOVE.

void append_goals(vector<MapStation> goals, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Appends a list of new goals, similar to append_goal(...). See pilot.MapStation. Requires permission MOVE.

void append_goal_stations(vector<string> names, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Appends a list of new goals, similar to append_goal_station(...). Requires permission MOVE.

void append_goal_positions(vector<PathPoint2D> goals, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Appends a list of new goals, similar to append_goal_position(...). See pilot.PathPoint2D. Requires permission MOVE.

Synchronous Move Sequence Functions

The following functions return when the last goal specified has been physically reached, or the goals were canceled.

void move_tos(vector<MapStation> goals, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Same as set_goals(...) but will block until last goal is reached or canceled. See pilot.MapStation. Requires permission MOVE.

void move_to_stations(vector<string> names, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Same as set_goal_stations(...) but will block until last goal is reached or canceled. Requires permission MOVE.

void move_to_positions(vector<PathPoint2D> goals, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Same as set_goal_positions(...) but will block until last goal is reached or canceled. See pilot.PathPoint2D. Requires permission MOVE.


The LocalPlanner module generates velocity commands to keep the robot on a given path or to reach a certain goal which is in reach. Usually the given path is generated by the HybridPlanner and depending on configuration further optimized by the LocalPlanner.

Most functions require a special permission, see pilot.permission_e.

Common Parameters
goal_options_t options
Optional goal options, see pilot.goal_options_t. If not specified will use default values.
Hash64 job
Optional job id, to identify the new goal. If not specified (or set to zero) will generate a new random id. See vnx.Hash64.
General Functions
Path2D *get_path() const

Returns the current original map path being followed, if any. See pilot.Path2D.

Path2D *get_optimized_path() const

Returns the current optimized map path being followed, if any. See pilot.Path2D.

LocalPlannerState get_state() const

Returns the current planner state. See pilot.LocalPlannerState.

Movement Functions
void pause(bool em_stop)

Will pause movement, similar to an EM stop, but with a soft decceleration. However, if em_stop is set to true will perform an emergency stop. resume() needs to be called to continue with the current or any new goal.

void resume()

Will resume movement after having been paused, while adhering to acceleration limits.

void await_goal() const

Waits for the current goal to finish. If currently idle it returns immediately.

void await_goal_ex(Hash64 job) const

Waits for a specific goal to finish. Either the currently active or finished goal, or any in the future. If the specified goal has already been reached in the past and subsequently been superseeded by another, this function will fail, ie. it will wait forever. Ideally this function is called before setting the goal to be waited for.

void cancel_goal()

Will cancel any pending goal and bring the robot to an immediate stop. Requires permission MOVE.

void cancel_goal_await()

Same as cancel_goal() and then await_goal() in one call.

void set_path(Path2D *path, goal_options_t options)

Sets a new path to be followed and returns immediately. Any pending goal is canceled beforehand. The path needs to be in map coordinates. See pilot.Path2D. Requires permission MOVE.

void update_path(Path2D *path, goal_options_t options)

Updates the current path to be followed without stopping or canceling the current goal. If the new path does not include the current position (to within some tolerance) a failure will be issued. The path needs to be in map coordinates and it’s job id needs to match the current job id. See pilot.Path2D. Requires permission MOVE.

void follow_path(Path2D *path, goal_options_t options)

Same as set_path(...) but will block until the goal is reached or canceled. See pilot.Path2D. Requires permission MOVE.

void set_goal(PathPoint2D goal, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Sets a new goal position, either relative to the current position or an absolute map position. The new goal must be within reach, with a maximum distance depending on configuration, but usually around 1 m. See pilot.PathPoint2D. Requires permission MOVE.

void move_to(PathPoint2D goal, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Same as set_goal(...) but will block until the goal is reached or canceled. See pilot.PathPoint2D. Requires permission MOVE.


The PilotServer module is the control center of the robot, it handles switching between different modes such as mapping and navigation or automatic drive mode and teleoperation. In addition it allows to initialize the localization as well as start / stop a data recording.

Most functions require a special permission, see pilot.permission_e.

PilotState get_state() const

Returns the current pilot state, see pilot.PilotState.

PlatformInfo get_platform_info() const

Returns platform info, see pilot.PlatformInfo.

void set_pose_estimate(Vector3d pose, long time)

Initializes the localization by providing a pose estimate (x, y, yaw) [m, m, rad] in map coordinates. Optionally a time stamp can be provided in [usec]. See math.Vector3d. Requires permission INITIALIZE.

void switch_pilot_mode(pilot_mode_e new_mode, Object config, bool keep_motion_mode = false)

Switches the current pilot mode to new_mode. Platform has to be stationary. Optionally a user config can be provided with config, overriding default values. If keep_motion_mode is set to true, the current motion mode will not be changed automatically. See pilot.pilot_mode_e and vnx.Object. Requires permission REMOTE_CONTROL.

void switch_motion_mode(motion_mode_e new_mode)

Switches the current motion mode to new_mode. Platform has to be stationary. See pilot.motion_mode_e. Requires permission REMOTE_CONTROL.

void switch_footprint(Footprint footprint)

Sets a new footprint to use. Platform has to be stationary. See pilot.Footprint. Requires permission REMOTE_CONTROL.

void start_recording(string file_name)

Starts a new data recording using the optional file name file_name. The recording will end up in the ~/pilot/user/data/ folder. If file_name is empty a default name will be chosen. In any case a timestamp will be appended to the file name to make it unique. Requires permission RECORD_DATA.

void stop_recording()

Stops the current data recording process. Requires permission RECORD_DATA.


The PlatformInterface is an interface to the hardware abstraction module running on a platform. It allows access to hardware features such as digital inputs / outputs, analog inputs, power relays and the LCD.

Most functions require a special permission, see pilot.permission_e.

Charging Functions
void charge()

Attempts to charge the platform’s batteries when connected to a charging station. Will return upon completion of charging process. In case of an error (such as no contact to the charging station) an exception will be thrown. Requires permission CHARGE.

void start_charging()

Attempts to start the charging process at a charging station. Returns immediately in case of success, or throws an exception. Requires permission CHARGE.

void stop_charging()

Stops the charging process at a charging station. Returns immediately in case of success, or throws an exception. Requires permission CHARGE.

Input / Output Functions
void set_relay(int channel, bool state)

Switch a relay on or off, depending on state. channel is an index from 0 to 3 (in most cases) denoting the relay to switch. Requires permission RELAY_CONTROL.

void set_digital_output(int channel, bool state)

Switches a digital output to the specified state. channel is an index from 0 to 15 (in most cases) denoting the output pin. Requires permission RELAY_CONTROL as well as an installed IOBoard.

void set_display_text(string line)

Sets the first line on the LCD to the given text, for the next 30 seconds. Requires permission DISPLAY_CONTROL.

void wait_for_digital_input(int channel, bool state)

Waits for a digitial input to reach the specified state. If it’s already reached will return immediately. channel is an index from 0 to 15 (in most cases) denoting the input pin. Requires permission CONST_REQUEST as well as an installed IOBoard.

Other Functions
void shutdown()

Will terminate the process, shutdown the machine and turn off the platform. Cannot be undone except by turning on the platform by hand again. Requires permission SHUTDOWN_HOST, see vnx.permission_e.


The RoadMapPlanner module provides navigation support based on a Road Map.

Most functions require a special permission, see pilot.permission_e.

Common Parameters
goal_options_t options
Optional goal options, see pilot.goal_options_t. If not specified will use default values.
Hash64 job
Optional job id, to identify the new goal. If not specified (or set to zero) will generate a new random id. See vnx.Hash64.
General Functions
RoadMapData *get_road_map() const

Returns the currently used Road Map, if any. See pilot.RoadMapData.

MapStation *find_station(string name) const

Returns the corresponding map station by that name, if any. See pilot.MapStation.

Movement Functions
void set_goal_station(string name, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Sets a new goal using the provided station name and returns immediately. Any pending goals are canceled beforehand. The station must exist in the current Road Map. Requires permission MOVE.

void move_to_station(string name, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Same as set_goal_station(...) but will block until goal is reached or canceled. Requires permission MOVE.


The TaskHandler module allows the execution of a sequence of tasks, specified by a Lua script, which can either be written by hand or generated by using the graphical programming interface TaskEditor.

See Lua Script for more information on how to write a script by hand.

Most functions require a special permission, see pilot.permission_e.

Common Parameters
Hash64 jobid
Optional job id, to identify a new program execution. If not specified (or set to zero) will generate a new random id. See vnx.Hash64.
Execute Functions

The following functions will cancel any running program beforehand, start to execute the new program and return immediately.

void execute_file(string filename, vector<Variant> params, Hash64 jobid)

Starts to execute the specified Lua script file, i.e. executes its main function with the given parameters. The filename is relative to the pilot home folder, e.g. ~/pilot/. Requires permission EXECUTE_SCRIPT.

void execute_program(string program, vector<Variant> params, Hash64 jobid)

Starts to execute the given Lua script code, i.e. executes its main function with the given parameters. Requires permission UPLOAD_SCRIPT.

Intervene Functions
void cancel_program()

Will cancel a running program at the next opportunity, usually after finishing the current task. Requires permission INTERVENE_SCRIPT.

void pause_program()

Will pause a running program at the next opportunity, usually after finishing the current task. Requires permission INTERVENE_SCRIPT.

void resume_program()

Will resume executing a paused program. Requires permission INTERVENE_SCRIPT.


The vnx.JRPC_Proxy module provides a way to connect to another vnx.JRPC_Server.

This module and the vnx.Proxy module share the same base and are largely identical in handling.


The options are identical to vnx.Proxy.


The module has all methods of vnx.Proxy and additionally the following ones.

void select_service(string service_name)

For the rest of the connection, all method calls by JSON-RPC Interface that do not specify a module will be directed to service_name.

Supply an empty string or . to reset it to the proxy module itself.


The vnx.JRPC_Server module provides a JSON RPC server to interface with the running process.

On the other end a vnx.JRPC_Proxy is needed to connect with the server.

This module and the vnx.Server module share the same base and are largely identical in handling.


Identical to vnx.Server.


The vnx.Proxy module provides a way to connect to another vnx.Server.

string address

URL to connect to, for example localhost:1234 (TCP/IP) or /tmp/mysocket.sock for a UNIX socket. If no TCP port is specifed (ie. localhost) a default port of 4444 is used. If no IP address is specified (ie. :1234) a default of localhost is used.

vector<string> import_list

List of topics to import from the sever.

vector<string> export_list

List of topics to export to the server.

vector<string> forward_list

List of services to forward to the server. Usually a service is a module’s name. Requests to these services are then sent to the server who will forward them to the actual modules processing them. Return messages are automatically routed back to the clients.

map<Hash64, string> tunnel_map

Same as forward_list but with a different service address locally [local alias => remote service name]. Will forward requests on the Hash64 address to the string service on the server. string service names are converted to a Hash64 address internally. See vnx.Hash64.

map<string, string> import_map

Same as import_list but will map to a different topic name locally. [remote name -> local name]

map<string, string> export_map

Same as export_list but will map to a different topic name on the server. [local name -> remote name]

bool auto_import = false

If to import all subscribed to topics from the server. Only used in special cases, since most of the time it leads to network loops.

bool time_sync = false

If to syncronize local virtual time with the server. Same as importing the vnx.time_sync topic. vnx::get_time_*() functions will then return a time which is in sync with the server.

bool block_until_connect = true

If to block client requests until first sucessful connect.

bool block_until_reconnect = false

If to block client requests until next sucessful reconnect, in case connection breaks down.

int max_queue_ms = 100

Maximum queue length in [ms] for receiving data internally, 0 = unlimited. If the network is overloaded at most this amount of data (in terms of latency) will be buffered internally before starting to drop messages. This queue is in addition to the internal TCP send buffer.

int max_queue_size = 1000

Maximum queue size in [number of messages] for receiving data internally, 0 = unlimited. Similar to max_queue_ms.

int recv_buffer_size = 0

TCP receive buffer size (0 = default) [bytes]

int send_buffer_size = 131072

TCP send buffer size, bigger equals more latency in case of network overload. (0 = default) [bytes]

string default_access = "DEFAULT"

Default access level for anonymous clients, see User Management. Only if use_authentication = true, otherwise there are no restrictions, ie. full permissions to any user.


The vnx.Server module provides a VNX server to interface with the running process.

On the other end a vnx.Proxy is needed to connect with the server.

string address

URL to bind to, for example (TCP/IP) or /tmp/mysocket.sock for a UNIX socket. UNIX sockets need to have a file ending of *.sock. If no TCP port is specifed (ie. a default port of 4444 is used. If no IP address is specified (ie. :1234) a default of localhost is used.

bool use_authentication = false

If to require user authentication (login) to gain more persmissions than default_access. If set to false any user has full permissions and no login is necessary.

vector<string> export_list

List of topics to automatically export to all clients without them asking for it. Samples published on these topics are forwarded to all clients and re-published there.

int max_queue_ms = 100

Maximum queue length in [ms] for receiving data internally, 0 = unlimited. If the network is overloaded at most this amount of data (in terms of latency) will be buffered internally before starting to drop messages. This queue is in addition to the internal TCP send buffer.

int max_queue_size = 1000

Maximum queue size in [number of messages] for receiving data internally, 0 = unlimited. Similar to max_queue_ms.

int recv_buffer_size = 0

TCP receive buffer size (0 = default) [bytes]

int send_buffer_size = 131072

TCP send buffer size, bigger equals more latency in case of network overload. (0 = default) [bytes]

string default_access = "DEFAULT"

Default access level for anonymous clients, see User Management. Only if use_authentication = true, otherwise there are no restrictions, ie. full permissions to any user.


The vnx.opc_ua.Proxy module provides a OPC-UA proxy to connect to a OPC-UA server.

It allows to call methods as well as read variables on the server.

string address

OPC-UA server url to connect to, for example opc.tcp://

string username

Optional user name for server login.

string password

Password for server login, required when username is set.

string certificate_file = ""

Optional path to a client certificate file (DER format).

string private_key_file = ""

Optional path to a client private key file (DER format).

string application_uri = "urn:open62541.client.application"

Must match the URI in the certificate.

vector<string> trust_list

Server certificate trust files (CRL format). This only has an effect if a client certificate is configured. If the list is empty, any certificate is accepted.

security_mode_e security_mode = ANY

Required security for connections. See vnx.opc_ua.security_mode_e.

bool block_until_connect = true

If to block client requests until first sucessful connect.

bool block_until_reconnect = false

If to block client requests until next sucessful reconnect, in case connection breaks down.


UA node ids are provided via a pair<ushort, Variant>, where the first value is the namespace index and the second value either an integer or a string.

In case a UA method returns more than one value the Variant return value will contain an array of variants, ie. vector<Variant>. See also vnx.Variant.

Variant call(string method, vector<Variant> args) const

Calls a global method with the given arguments and returns the result. The implicit object for this call is UA_NS0ID_OBJECTSFOLDER. Requires permission vnx.opc_ua.permission_e.CALL.

Variant object_call(pair<ushort, Variant> object, string method, vector<Variant> args) const

Calls a method on the object with the given arguments and returns the result. Requires permission vnx.opc_ua.permission_e.CALL.

Variant read_variable(pair<ushort, Variant> node) const

Reads the value of a given variable node.

Variant read_object_variable(pair<ushort, Variant> object, string variable) const

Reads the value of a given variable of the object.

void write_variable(pair<ushort, Variant> node, Variant value)

Writes a value to the given global variable node. Requires permission vnx.opc_ua.permission_e.WRITE.

void write_object_variable(pair<ushort, Variant> object, string variable, Variant value)

Writes a value to the given variable of the object. Requires permission vnx.opc_ua.permission_e.WRITE.

void browse_all()

Finds all available objects and variables on the server. Will be done automatically on every connect and re-connect.


The vnx.opc_ua.Server module provides a OPC-UA server to interface with the running process.

Depending on the configuration different modules and topics are offered on the OPC-UA interface.

uint port = 4840

The port number the server binds to.

set<string> export_services

List of modues to offer on the OPC-UA interface as objects.

set<string> export_topics

List of topics to offer on the OPC-UA interface as variables.

string certificate_file

Optional path to a server certificate file (DER format).

string private_key_file = ""

Optional path to a server private key file (DER format).

string application_uri = "urn:open62541.server.application";

Must match the URI in the certificate.

vector<string> trust_list

Client certificate trust files (CRL format). This only has an effect if a server certificate is configured. If the list is empty, any certificate is accepted.

bool allow_anonymous_access = true

Allow access without authentication.

bool add_insecure_discovery = true

Allow discovery with security policy NONE even if not configured. This is necessary if you want a secure server (i.e. no NONE policy) that can still be discovered by a client. If security policy NONE is configured, this option has no effect.

vector<security_policy_e> security_policies

A list of the security/encryption policies to provide. Most policies require a certificate and a private key. See vnx.opc_ua.security_policy_e

bool use_authentication = false

If to require authentication from clients. (Not implemented yet)

string default_access = "DEFAULT"

Default access level for anonymous clients, see User Management. Only if use_authentication = true, otherwise there are no restrictions, ie. full permissions to any user.


Topics are names under which data samples are published. Any number of subscribers can then receive the published data.

Topics are arranged in a tree and it is possible to subscribe to a whole sub-tree. For example a subscription to input will receive samples from as well as input.velocity_cmd.

Topics do not have an assigned data type, but in most cases only a specific data type is published.

input [pilot.JoyData]
Joystick input samples, published only when a Joystick is connected and controls are operated.
input.velocity_cmd [pilot.VelocityCmd]
Joystick velocity commands.
local_planner.state [pilot.LocalPlannerState]
LocalPlanner state updates.
local_planner.target_pose [pilot.Pose2D]
LocalPlanner target pose updates.
localization.map_tile [pilot.OccupancyMapData]
Localization map tile, ie. current section of the Grid Map.
localization.particles [pilot.PoseArray2D]
Localization particle swarm in map coordinates.
localization.status [pilot.LocalizationStatus]
Localization status updates.
mapping.grid_map [pilot.OccupancyMapData]
New Grid Map created by mapping.
mapping.pose_graph [pilot.RoadMapData]
Mapping pose graph.
movechain.status [pilot.MovechainStatus]
MovechainHandler status updates.
network.beacons [pilot.Beacon]
Beacons for fleet management.
platform.battery_state [pilot.BatteryState]
Battery state updates.
platform.emergency_state [pilot.EmergencyState]
Emergency state updates. [pilot.Event, pilot.Incident]
Generic events.
platform.incidents [pilot.Incident]
External incidents, to be handled by PilotServer.
platform.active_incidents [pilot.ActiveIncidents]
List of currently active incidents. [pilot.PlatformInfo]
Static platform info.
platform.odometry [pilot.Odometry]
Odometry samples.
platform.pilot_state [pilot.PilotState]
Pilot state updats.
platform.system_state [pilot.SystemStatus]
System state update.
platform.velocity_cmd [pilot.VelocityCmd]
Custom velocity commands.
sensors.point_cloud.* [pilot.PointCloud2D, pilot.LaserPointCloud]
Laser point clouds in odom coordinates.
task_handler.current_task [pilot.ExecutionState]
Current task being executed by TaskHandler module.
task_handler.current_event_task [pilot.ExecutionState]
Current event task being executed by TaskHandler module.
task_handler.execution_history [pilot.ExecutionHistory]
Execution history of TaskHandler module.
task_handler.event_history [pilot.ExecutionHistory]
Event execution history of TaskHandler module.
tf [pilot.Pose2D]
Localization updates.
tf.odom.base_link [pilot.Odometry]
Odometry samples. [pilot.Pose2D]
Same as local_planner.target_pose but in map coordinates. [pilot.Pose2D]
Same as navigation.local_path but in map coordinates.* [pilot.Pose2D]
Same as sensors.point_cloud.* but in map coordinates.
vnx.log_out [vnx.LogMsg]
Terminal log messags.
vnx.module_info [vnx.ModuleInfo]
Module info updates.
vnx.recorder_status [vnx.RecorderStatus]
Status information of the data recorder, when active.

Indices and tables

Indices and tables