.. _Changelog: Changelog ========= Release 1.4 ----------- Version 1.4.0 (October 2021) *************************** * `LocalPlanner` ``pause()`` fix for differential to keep on path * `TaskHandler` ``execute_*()`` functions now have `blocking` option * added `TaskHandler` ``set_timer_ms`` functionality * `CanNode` automatic re-init in case of persistent motor timeouts * `TaskHandler` generates random `jobid` if not specified * `HttpProxy` fix for missing `LogMsg`, `ModuleInfo` and `Event` topics * `CanNode` fix for timeouts due to blocking publishes * `CanNode` fix for timeout feedback loop in homeing procedure * `SerialPort` fix for blocking publish * added `PlatformInterface` read_analog_input() + read_digital_input() functions * added `TaskHandler` read_analog_input() + read_digital_input() functions * added `TaskEditor` read_analog_input + read_digital_input blocks * added `TaskEditor` map / object support * fixed `TaskEditor` display regression when switching views * Added `RoadMapPlanner` ``find_closest_station()`` * Added `LUA` ``find_closest_station_name()`` * Added `TaskEditor` ``find_closest_station`` block (which returns station name) Release 1.3 ----------- Version 1.3.0 (August 2021) *************************** * Added OPC-UA Client/Server certificate support * Added `LUA` functions and corresponding `TaskEditor` blocks: * ``is_chargig()`` * ``get_battery_remaining()`` * ``reset_motors()`` * Added ``Event::level`` to allow sorting by low/high level events. * ``wait_for_joystick()`` waits for activation now * ``LaserCalibration`` now also calibrates sensor X/Y position * Added `RealSense2` support * LFP battery charge auto cycling between 90 and 100 % (see ``RelayBoardNode::battery_type`` config) * Added ``SystemState::is_charging`` Release 1.2 ----------- Version 1.2.0 (June 2021) ************************* * New ``HttpServer`` implementation, no longer using `libmicrohttpd`. * Supports `Server-Sent-Events (SSE)`, via ``/api/stream/...`` * `Deflate` response compression (multi-threaded) * Asynchronous chunked transfers * ``localization.status`` topic is also being recorded now. * New ``LocalPlanner`` functions: ``await_goal()``, ``await_goal_ex(...)``, ``cancel_goal_await()`` * ``LocalPlanner::pause()`` now has an optional ``bool em_stop`` parameter to enable emergency stopping. * OPC-UA write variable support via ``Proxy::write_variable()`` and ``Proxy::write_object_variable()``. * ``TaskHandler`` now supports script parameters via ``execute_file()`` and ``execute_program()`` which are passed on to the ``main(...)`` function in `LUA`. * Sending a new goal while driving works as expected now, planners wait for platoform to stop before planning new path. * ``Kinematics_CanNode`` fix for CAN bus initialization, now attempts to re-initialize until successful. * New ``TaskHandler`` functions: ``get_time_sec()``, ``get_time_millis()``, ``get_time_micros()`` * ``HttpSession`` now contains ``session_timeout`` as well * Additional incident reporting for `RelayBoard` and `MPO-700` homing. * ``SickMicroscan3`` fix for reflector detection * OPC-UA Proxy authentication support via ``username`` and ``password`` configs. * ``TaskHandler`` scripts have ``REQUEST`` permission now * ``USER`` (neo-user) has ``INTERVENE_SCRIPT`` permissions now Release 1.1 ----------- Version 1.1.0 (May 2021) ************************