

The LocalPlanner module generates velocity commands to keep the robot on a given path or to reach a certain goal which is in reach. Usually the given path is generated by the HybridPlanner and depending on configuration further optimized by the LocalPlanner.

Most functions require a special permission, see pilot.permission_e.


Common Parameters

goal_options_t options
Optional goal options, see pilot.goal_options_t. If not specified will use default values.
Hash64 job
Optional job id, to identify the new goal. If not specified (or set to zero) will generate a new random id. See vnx.Hash64.

General Functions

Path2D *get_path() const

Returns the current map path being followed, if any. See pilot.Path2D.

LocalPlannerState get_state() const

Returns the current planner state. See pilot.LocalPlannerState.

Movement Functions

void cancel_goal()

Will cancel any pending goal and bring the robot to an immediate stop. Requires permission MOVE.

void set_path(Path2D *path, goal_options_t options)

Sets a new path to be followed and returns immediately. Any pending goal is canceled beforehand. The path needs to be in map coordinates. See pilot.Path2D. Requires permission MOVE.

void update_path(Path2D *path, goal_options_t options)

Updates the current path to be followed without stopping or canceling the current goal. If the new path does not include the current position (to within some tolerance) a failure will be issued. The path needs to be in map coordinates and it’s job id needs to match the current job id. See pilot.Path2D. Requires permission MOVE.

void follow_path(Path2D *path, goal_options_t options)

Same as set_path(...) but will block until the goal is reached or canceled. See pilot.Path2D. Requires permission MOVE.

void set_goal(PathPoint2D goal, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Sets a new goal position, either relative to the current position or an absolute map position. The new goal must be within reach, with a maximum distance depending on configuration, but usually around 1 m. See pilot.PathPoint2D. Requires permission MOVE.

void move_to(PathPoint2D goal, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Same as set_goal(...) but will block until the goal is reached or canceled. See pilot.PathPoint2D. Requires permission MOVE.