.. _pilot.Incident: pilot.Incident ============== .. cpp:namespace:: pilot::Incident Class ----- Generic incident type, as published on ``platform.events`` for example. External modules can publish their own incidents on topic ``platform.incidents``. They will be handled by :ref:`PilotServer` and re-published on ``platform.events`` as required. Inherits from :ref:`pilot.Event`. Fields ------ .. cpp:member:: bool is_active If this incident is currently active, ie. not a one time event. .. cpp:member:: bool is_cleared If this incident was active before and is now cleared, ie. no longer active. .. cpp:member:: int timeout_ms = 3000 Timeout in case of an active incident in [ms]. `timeout_ms <= 0` disables the feature. If the incident is not re-published within the specified timeout it will be automatically cleared by :ref:`PilotServer`.