.. _pilot.drive_flags_e: pilot.drive_flags_e =================== .. cpp:namespace:: pilot::drive_flags_e Enumeration ----------- Flags that modifiy robot navigation or behavior. .. cpp:enumerator:: FIXED_ORIENTATION Flag to disable orientation optimization / modification (holonomic only). Will keep orientation from Road Map, even when the path itself is changed. Used to keep a specific orientation while moving. .. cpp:enumerator:: IGNORE_FOOTPRINT Flag to disable collision avoidance, use with care. Used to dock with external components where obstacles can be very close to the robot (inside footprint). .. cpp:enumerator:: DISABLE_ROTATION Disable rotation of the robot (forced zero control yawrate). Will prevent robot from rotating while moving, or rotating in place. Used to dock with external components where rotation would lead to damage of the robot or components. If rotation is necessary to reach the goal, a failure will be issued. .. cpp:enumerator:: BACKWARD_OVERRIDE Allows driving backwards even when normally prohibited. Used in special cases where unsafe backwards driving is necessary. .. cpp:enumerator:: OMNI_DIRECTIONAL Allows driving with arbitrary orientation by default (holonomic only). Will permit infinite yaw lookahead, such as to minimize total yaw motion. If not set, a platform will usually align with orientation of the road. .. cpp:enumerator:: DISABLE_WHEEL_RESET Disables automatic wheel resetting of the MPO-700. Used to increase positioning accuracy at certain stations. .. cpp:enumerator:: RESET_WHEELS Will reset the wheels of an MPO-700 at the (goal) station to their home positions.