

The PilotServer module is the control center of the robot, it handles switching between different modes such as mapping and navigation or automatic drive mode and teleoperation. In addition it allows to initialize the localization as well as start / stop a data recording.

Most functions require a special permission, see pilot.permission_e.


PilotState get_state() const

Returns the current pilot state, see pilot.PilotState.

PlatformInfo get_platform_info() const

Returns platform info, see pilot.PlatformInfo.

void set_pose_estimate(Vector3d pose, long time)

Initializes the localization by providing a pose estimate (x, y, yaw) [m, m, rad] in map coordinates. Optionally a time stamp can be provided in [usec]. See math.Vector3d. Requires permission INITIALIZE.

void switch_pilot_mode(pilot_mode_e new_mode, Object config, bool keep_motion_mode = false)

Switches the current pilot mode to new_mode. Platform has to be stationary. Optionally a user config can be provided with config, overriding default values. If keep_motion_mode is set to true, the current motion mode will not be changed automatically. See pilot.pilot_mode_e and vnx.Object. Requires permission REMOTE_CONTROL.

void switch_motion_mode(motion_mode_e new_mode)

Switches the current motion mode to new_mode. Platform has to be stationary. See pilot.motion_mode_e. Requires permission REMOTE_CONTROL.

void switch_footprint(Footprint footprint)

Sets a new footprint to use. Platform has to be stationary. See pilot.Footprint. Requires permission REMOTE_CONTROL.

void start_recording(string file_name)

Starts a new data recording using the optional file name file_name. The recording will end up in the ~/pilot/user/data/ folder. If file_name is empty a default name will be chosen. In any case a timestamp will be appended to the file name to make it unique. Requires permission RECORD_DATA.

void stop_recording()

Stops the current data recording process. Requires permission RECORD_DATA.