Lua Script

A Lua script that can be executed by the TaskHandler module must at least have a main function. The default name is main, so the minimal script is:

function main()
        -- do something

Command Reference

The following commands are available to Lua scripts through the programming interface.

Commands denoted void return true or false depending on whether the command succeeded. Commands with a return type either return a value of that type or nil if the command failed.

See for more information regarding the Lua script language itself.


The commands in this section take an optional parameter of type pilot.goal_options_t. If not given, the default values are used.

void move_to_station(string name, goal_options_t options)

Moves the platform to the station named name.

void move_to_position(Pose2D position, goal_options_t options)

Moves the platform to the given position in the map. See pilot.Pose2D.

void move_to(MapStation station, goal_options_t options)

Moves the platform to the place described by station. It may or may not be a station of the Road Map. See pilot.MapStation.

void move(double dx, double dy, double dr, goal_options_t options)

Moves the platform in the given direction, as seen from the platform’s point of view (relative to base_link). See Coordinate Systems. dx and dy are given in meters, dr in rads. The new goal must be within reach, with a maximum distance depending on configuration, but usually around 1 m.

void move_towards(double dx, double dy, double dr, goal_options_t options)

Same as move(...) but the goal does not have to be in reach but is treated the same as a goal point given by an absolute position. In turn, the calculated path is not necessarily a straight line, depending on obstacles and roadmap constraints on the way.

void cancel_goal()

Cancels the current goal (if any) which causes the platform to stop moving and the corresponding move command to fail. This command can be useful in an event handler.


Grid maps and road maps are uniquely identified by a pilot.map_info_t object.

void switch_grid_map(map_info_t map_info)

Changes the current grid map to the one described by map_info. The map needs to have been uploaded to the platform.

void_switch_road_map(map_info_t map_info)

Changes the current road map to the one described by map_info. The map needs to have been uploaded to the platform.

User Input

int wait_for_joystick()

Waits until any button on the active joystick is pressed and returns the ID of the button. See pilot.JoyData for the available buttons.

void wait_for_joystick_button(int button)

Waits until the button with ID button is pressed on the active joystick. See pilot.JoyData for the available buttons.

void wait_for_digital_input(int channel, bool state)

Waits until the digital input channel reaches state state. The digital inputs are enumerated from 0 to 15.

int wait_for_keypad()

Waits until any button on the keypad is pressed and returns an ID for the button (see below).

void wait_for_keypad_button(int button)

Waits until the specified button on the keypad is pressed. button can be any of the following:

0 Info
1 Home
2 Start
3 Stop


void wait_ms(int period)

Pauses for period milliseconds.

void wait_sec(int period)

Pauses for period seconds.

void wait_min(int period)

Pauses for period minutes.

void wait_hours(int period)

Pauses for period hours.

void set_timer_ms(int period, string callback)

Sets up a periodic timer that repeatedly calls the lua function named callback at the given period.


float read_analog_input(int channel)

Reads the voltage of an analog input in [V].

bool read_digital_input(int channel)

Reads the state of a digital input.

void set_relay(int channel, bool state)

Sets the relay with id channel to state state.

void set_digital_output(int channel, bool state)

Sets the digital output with id channel to state state. The digital outputs are enumerated from 0 to 15.

void set_display_text(string text)

Prints text on the first line of the LCD display. There is enough space for 20 characters.

void charge()

Starts the charging process. Fails immediately if no charger is detected. Otherwise blocks until the charging is either finished or aborted.

void start_charging()

Starts the charging process, i.e. activates the corresponding relay.

void stop_charging()

Stops the charging process, i.e. deactivates the corresponding relay.

void select_safety_field(uint field_id)

Requests to set the safety field with the given field ID. This command only works when there is a safety interface available.

Information Requests

int get_time_sec()

Returns the current time stamp in seconds.

int get_time_millis()

Returns the current time stamp in milliseconds.

int get_time_micros()

Returns the current time stamp in microseconds.

Pose2D get_position()

Returns the current position on the map. See pilot.Pose2D.

MapNode find_station(string name)

Finds and returns the node / station called name. See pilot.MapStation and See pilot.MapNode.

MapStation find_closest_station(double max_distance, Pose2D position)

Returns the map station closest to position in a radius of at most max_distance meters. position defaults to the current position if known.

string find_closest_station_name(double max_distance, Pose2D position)

Same as find_closest_station(...) but returns the station name or nil.

double get_battery_remaining()

Returns the remaining battery charge as a percentage from 0 to 1.

bool is_charging()

Returns true if charging is in progress.


void log_info(string message)

Generates a log message with priority INFO.

void log_warn(string message)

Generates a log message with priority WARN.

void log_error(string message)

Generates a log message with priority ERROR.

Control Flow

void block()

Pauses execution of the main thread.


Only use in event handlers!

void unblock()

Resumes execution of the main thread.


Only use in event handlers!

Builtin Functions

bool auto_charge(string pre_stage1, string pre_stage2, string charge_station, float undock_distance, float max_velocity)

Automatically docks at a specified charging station, charges the batteries until full and then undocks from the station.

pre_stage1 is a map station somewhere close (less than 1 m) to the charging station with an orientation close to the final docking pose. There should still be enough space to rotate fully without hitting the charging station.

pre_stage2 is a map station from where to start the docking process without having to rotate anymore. There should be about 10 to 20 cm of space between the contacts at this position.

charge_station is a map station where the platform makes contact with the charging station. It should be specified very precisely, within a few mm of accuracy.

undock_distance is the amount of distance to move backwards after finishing the charging process. The default is 0.25 m. Make sure the robot is allowed to move this much backwards, in case of a differential platform without a second laser scanner. max_velocity is the maximum velocity in [m/s] with which to dock and undock. The default is 0.05 m/s.

Returns true if successful, false otherwise.

A require 'neobotix' is needed to access this function in Lua script. Permissions MOVE and CHARGE are required, see pilot.permission_e.

void reset_motors()

Attempts to re-activate motors (clears any latched erros). Same action as when releasing EM stop.

A require 'neobotix' is needed to access this function in Lua script. Permission MOVE is required, see pilot.permission_e.

OPC-UA Functions

UA node ids are specified in Lua via an array of two values. Numeric and string node ids are supported as follows: {0, 1337} or {1, "MyObject"}.

A require 'neobotix' is needed to access these functions in Lua script.

Variant opc_ua_call(string proxy, pair<ushort, Variant> object, string method, vector<Variant> args)

Performs an OPC-UA call via the specified proxy and returns the result of it.

proxy is the name of a running vnx.opc_ua.Proxy module, see opcua_proxy_map.

object is an optional UA node id of the object for which to call the method. Can be set to nil in order to call a global method.

method is the method name (OPC-UA browse name).

args is an array of function parameters.

In case of failure nil or false is returned, depending on if the method has a return value (nil) or not (false). In case of multiple return values an array is returned.

Variant opc_ua_read(string proxy, pair<ushort, Variant> object, string variable)

Reads an OPC-UA variable via the specified proxy.

proxy is the name of a running vnx.opc_ua.Proxy module, see opcua_proxy_map.

object is a UA node id of the object containing the variable. Setting it to nil is equivalent to calling opc_ua_read_global.

variable is the variable name (OPC-UA browse name).

Returns the value read, or nil in case of failure.

Variant opc_ua_read_global(string proxy, pair<ushort, Variant> variable)

Reads a global OPC-UA variable via the specified proxy.

proxy is the name of a running vnx.opc_ua.Proxy module, see opcua_proxy_map.

variable is a UA node id of a global variable.

Returns the value read, or nil in case of failure.

bool opc_ua_write(string proxy, pair<ushort, Variant> object, string variable, Variant value)

Writes a value to an OPC-UA variable via the specified proxy.

proxy is the name of a running vnx.opc_ua.Proxy module, see opcua_proxy_map.

object is a UA node id of the object containing the variable. Setting it to nil is equivalent to calling opc_ua_write_global.

variable is the variable name (OPC-UA browse name).

value is the value to be written.

Returns true on success, false in case of failure.

bool opc_ua_write_global(string proxy, pair<ushort, Variant> variable, Variant value)

Writes a value to a global OPC-UA variable via the specified proxy.

proxy is the name of a running vnx.opc_ua.Proxy module, see opcua_proxy_map.

variable is a UA node id of a global variable.

value is the value to be written.

Returns true on success, false in case of failure.


Variant execute(string module, string method, Object params)

Executes a function method of the module module. The parameters are specified as key-value pairs in params. If the method does not take parameters, params can be omitted.

If method does not have a return type, the command returns true or false, depending on whether it succeeded. If method does have a return type, either a value of that type is returned or nil on failure.

See vnx.Variant and vnx.Object.


This command allows almost unlimited access to the functionality of PlatformPilot. However, it also allows you to leave the boundaries of safe operation and must therefore be considered dangerous.

Event Handlers

The following functions, if defined in your script, will be called upon specific events. Events are queued and the next event handler will only be called after the current one finished.

Be aware that the calls happen asynchronously to the main thread. The two executions run in parallel while abiding to Lua’s cooperative multithreading model. You can use the block() and unblock() functions to avoid multithreading issues.

void on_em_stop()

Is executed when the emergency stop button is pushed.

void on_scanner_stop()

Is executed when the scanner emergency stop is triggered.

void on_em_reset()

Is executed when a previous emergency situation (button and/or scanner) is resolved and the platform can move again.

void on_joystick_button_pressed(int button)

Is executed when the joystick button with ID button changes its state from not pressed to pressed.

void on_joystick_button_released(int button)

Is executed when the joystick button with ID button canges its state from pressed to not pressed.

void on_keypad_button_pressed(int button)

Is executed when the specified keypad button changes its state from not pressed to pressed. For the available button IDs see above.

void on_keypad_button_released(int button)

Is executed when the specified keypad button changes its state from pressed to not pressed. For the available button IDs see above.

void on_digital_input_on(int channel)

Is executed when the digital input channel changes its state from off to on.

void on_digital_input_off(int channel)

Is executed when the digital input channel changes its state from on to off.

void on_battery_low()

Is executed when the battery drops below a low level.

void on_battery_critical()

Is executed when the battery drops below a critical level.


Move to stations in the Road Map in a loop:

function main()
        while true do

Move randomly to any of the specified stations in a loop, abort in case of failure, stop when the Y button on the joystick is pressed:

function odyssey(stations)
                index = math.random(1, #stations)
        until not move_to_station(stations[index])

function on_joystick_button_pressed(button)
        if button == 3 then

function main()
        odyssey({"Station20", "Station10", "Station12", "Station14", "Station1"})

Dock to a charging station using special parameters:

move_to_station("ChargeStation", {
                max_velocity = 0.1,
                drive_flags = {"IGNORE_FOOTPRINT", "DISABLE_ROTATION"}

Undock from a charging station using a relative move command with special parameters:

move(-0.25, 0, 0, {
                max_velocity = 0.1,
                drive_flags = {"IGNORE_FOOTPRINT", "DISABLE_ROTATION"}

Using the built-in auto_charge(...) function to dock, charge and undock:

require 'neobotix'

function main()
        auto_charge("PreStage1", "PreStage2", "ChargeStation", 0.25, 0.05);

Calling an OPC-UA method:

require 'neobotix'

function main()
        ret = opc_ua_call("OPC_UA_Proxy", {1, "vnx.process"}, "get_name")
        log_warn(ret) --> "pilot_main"
        ret = opc_ua_call("OPC_UA_Proxy", {1, "HybridPlanner"}, "set_goal_stations", {
                {"Station4", "Station3", "Station2"}

With opcua_proxy_map set to [["OPC_UA_Proxy", "opc.tcp://"]] and enable_opcua_server set to true.

Reading an OPC-UA variable:

require 'neobotix'

function main()
        ret = opc_ua_read("OPC_UA_Proxy", {0, 2253}, "ServerArray")
        log_warn(ret) --> ["urn:open62541.server.application"]

With opcua_proxy_map set to [["OPC_UA_Proxy", "opc.tcp://"]] and enable_opcua_server set to true.