.. _neo-kinematics-omnidrive: neo_kinematics_omnidrive ======================== Summary ------- The neo_kinematics_omnidrive package provides a means to translate platform control values into individual motor commands, as well as computing the platform's odometry from its motor encoders. It is intended to be used for mobile platforms with omni-directional drives, such as the MPO-700. neo_omnidrive_node ------------------ Publishes: * /tf * /odom * /drives/joint_trajectory Subscribes: * /cmd_vel * /drives/joint_states Services: * /kinematics_omnidrive/lock_platform (stop platform from moving) * /kinematics_omnidrive/unlock_platform (allow platform to move again) * /kinematics_omnidrive/reset_omni_wheels [0,0,0,0] (resets the wheels to given steering angles in rad) neo_omnidrive_socketcan ----------------------- Publishes: * /drives/joint_states Subscribes: * /drives/joint_trajectory * /emergency_stop_state * /joy Services: * /kinematics_omnidrive/lock_platform (stop platform from moving) * /kinematics_omnidrive/unlock_platform (allow platform to move again) * /kinematics_omnidrive/reset_omni_wheels [0,0,0,0] (resets the wheels to given steering angles in rad)