

The GlobalPlanner module supports path planning based on a global cost map, which is generated from a Grid Map. The module uses an A* style path finding algorithm.

Most functions require permission pilot.permission_e.MOVE, see pilot.permission_e.


Common Parameters

goal_options_t options
Optional goal options, see pilot.goal_options_t. If not specified will use default values.
Hash64 job
Optional job id, to identify the new goal. If not specified (or set to zero) will generate a new random id. See vnx.Hash64.

Asynchronous Move Functions

The following functions set / append a new goal while returing immediately.

void set_goal(PathPoint2D goal, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Sets a new goal using the provided pose and parameters in goal. Any pending goals are canceled beforehand. See pilot.PathPoint2D. Requires permission MOVE.

Synchronous Move Functions

The following functions return when the new goal is physically reached, or the goal was canceled.

void move_to(PathPoint2D goal, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Same as set_goal(...) but will block until goal is reached or canceled. See pilot.PathPoint2D. Requires permission MOVE.