

The PlatformInterface is an interface to the hardware abstraction module running on a platform. It allows access to hardware features such as digital inputs / outputs, analog inputs, power relays and the LCD.

Most functions require a special permission, see pilot.permission_e.


Charging Functions

void charge()

Attempts to charge the platform’s batteries when connected to a charging station. Will return upon completion of charging process. In case of an error (such as no contact to the charging station) an exception will be thrown. Requires permission CHARGE.

void start_charging()

Attempts to start the charging process at a charging station. Returns immediately in case of success, or throws an exception. Requires permission CHARGE.

void stop_charging()

Stops the charging process at a charging station. Returns immediately in case of success, or throws an exception. Requires permission CHARGE.

Input / Output Functions

void set_relay(int channel, bool state)

Switch a relay on or off, depending on state. channel is an index from 0 to 3 (in most cases) denoting the relay to switch. Requires permission RELAY_CONTROL.

void set_digital_output(int channel, bool state)

Switches a digital output to the specified state. channel is an index from 0 to 15 (in most cases) denoting the output pin. Requires permission RELAY_CONTROL as well as an installed IOBoard.

void set_display_text(string line)

Sets the first line on the LCD to the given text, for the next 30 seconds. Requires permission DISPLAY_CONTROL.

float read_analog_input(int channel)

Reads the voltage of an analog input in [V].

bool read_digital_input(int channel)

Reads the state of a digital input.

void wait_for_digital_input(int channel, bool state)

Waits for a digitial input to reach the specified state. If it’s already reached will return immediately. channel is an index from 0 to 15 (in most cases) denoting the input pin. Requires permission CONST_REQUEST as well as an installed IOBoard.

Other Functions

void shutdown()

Will terminate the process, shutdown the machine and turn off the platform. Cannot be undone except by turning on the platform by hand again. Requires permission SHUTDOWN_HOST, see vnx.permission_e.