Grid Mapping¶
To create a new Grid Map switch to the mapping mode:

Now you can move the platform around using the hardware joystick or by using the remote control.
The new Grid Map will be created and updated while driving around. When the mapping process is finished you can save the new map and / or upload it to the platform, see Connecting.
Requires permissions of neo-installer or neo-admin when connecting remotely.
Map Update¶
To update the current Grid Map switch to the map update mode:

The platform needs to be localized before entering this mode.
Requires permissions of neo-installer or neo-admin when connecting remotely.
Map Editing¶
Usually a new map needs to be edited, to do that switch to the Grid Map edit mode:

Most edit tools below can be scaled via the vector zoom buttons on the left toolbar:

Alternatively Ctrl + Scroll Up/Down
can be used.
Erase Tool¶
Obstacles which are not static should be erased with the erase tool:

Holding the left mouse button will erase the area, ie. make it free. Holding the right mouse button will mark the area as unknown.
Make Dynamic Tool¶

Holding the left mouse button will mark the area as dynamic. Holding the right mouse button will erase only dynamic areas.
Dynamic areas are ignored when updating the map.
Make Prohibited Tool¶

Holding the left mouse button will mark the area as prohibited. Holding the right mouse button will erase only prohibited areas.
Prohibited areas are not entered by a platform. They are also ignored when updating the map.
Draw Line Tool¶

Allows to draw artificial walls. Left Click
will start and finish a line.
Hold Shift
to draw lines continously. Hit ESC
to abort a line.