

The vnx.Server module provides a VNX server to interface with the running process.

On the other end a vnx.Proxy is needed to connect with the server.


string address

URL to bind to, for example (TCP/IP) or /tmp/mysocket.sock for a UNIX socket. UNIX sockets need to have a file ending of *.sock. If no TCP port is specifed (ie. a default port of 4444 is used. If no IP address is specified (ie. :1234) a default of localhost is used.

bool use_authentication = false

If to require user authentication (login) to gain more persmissions than default_access. If set to false any user has full permissions and no login is necessary.

vector<string> export_list

List of topics to automatically export to all clients without them asking for it. Samples published on these topics are forwarded to all clients and re-published there.

int max_queue_ms = 100

Maximum queue length in [ms] for receiving data internally, 0 = unlimited. If the network is overloaded at most this amount of data (in terms of latency) will be buffered internally before starting to drop messages. This queue is in addition to the internal TCP send buffer.

int max_queue_size = 1000

Maximum queue size in [number of messages] for receiving data internally, 0 = unlimited. Similar to max_queue_ms.

int recv_buffer_size = 0

TCP receive buffer size (0 = default) [bytes]

int send_buffer_size = 131072

TCP send buffer size, bigger equals more latency in case of network overload. (0 = default) [bytes]

string default_access = "DEFAULT"

Default access level for anonymous clients, see User Management. Only if use_authentication = true, otherwise there are no restrictions, ie. full permissions to any user.