

The vnx.mqtt.Proxy module provides a way to connect to an MQTT broker.


string address = "tcp://localhost:1883"

Address of the MQTT broker to connect to.

string client_id = "vnx-mqtt"

Unique client id.

map<vnx.TopicPtr, string> export_map

Mapping of internal topics to be mapped to MQTT topics.

map<vnx.TopicPtr, export_t> export_map_ex

Same as export_map but with more options. See vnx.mqtt.export_t.

map<string, vnx.TopicPtr> import_map

Mapping of MQTT topics to be mapped to internal topics. MQTT-style wildcards are allowed, but only without overlaps.

map<string, import_t> import_map_ex

Same as import_map but with more options. See vnx.mqtt.import_t.

optional<last_will_t> last_will

Optionally sets the MQTT Last-Will message. See vnx.mqtt.last_will_t.

string username

Optional user name for autentication.

string password

Optional password for authentication.

int connect_timeout = 1
int keepalive_interval = 60
bool clean_session = true

If broker should always create a new session.

bool wait_for_ack = true

Every message must be acknowledged before the next can be sent

int connect_interval_ms = 1000

Interval in which to attempt to connect.

bool enable_ssl = false
string trust_store

file with trusted server certificates

string key_store

file with client certificate chain (and possibly private key)

string private_key

file with client private key (if not in key_store)

string private_key_password

password for client private key

string enabled_cipher_suits
string ca_directory