

The RoadMapPlanner module provides navigation support based on a Road Map.

Most functions require a special permission, see pilot.permission_e.


Common Parameters

goal_options_t options
Optional goal options, see pilot.goal_options_t. If not specified will use default values.
Hash64 job
Optional job id, to identify the new goal. If not specified (or set to zero) will generate a new random id. See vnx.Hash64.

General Functions

RoadMapData *get_road_map() const

Returns the currently used Road Map, if any. See pilot.RoadMapData.

MapStation *find_station(string name) const

Returns the corresponding map station by that name, if any. See pilot.MapStation.

MapStation *find_closest_station(double max_distance, Pose2D *position) const

Returns the map station closest to position in a radius of at most max_distance meters. position defaults to the current position if known.

Movement Functions

void set_goal_station(string name, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Sets a new goal using the provided station name and returns immediately. Any pending goals are canceled beforehand. The station must exist in the current Road Map. Requires permission MOVE.

void move_to_station(string name, goal_options_t options, Hash64 job)

Same as set_goal_station(...) but will block until goal is reached or canceled. Requires permission MOVE.