

RoadSegment represents a connection in the Road Map from one pilot.MapNode to another.

Inherits from pilot.MapElement.


int from_node

pilot.MapNode id from where the segment begins.

int to_node

pilot.MapNode id to where the segment goes.

char direction = 0

-1 = one way backwards, 0 = two way, 1 = one way forwards

drive_mode_e drive_mode = RELAXED_PATH_FOLLOW

Drive mode to be used on this segment, see pilot.drive_mode_e.

orientation_mode_e orientation_mode = RELATIVE_ROAD

Orientation mode to be used on this segment, see pilot.orientation_mode_e.

float_param_t tolerance

Lateral tolerance in [meters], how much the path can be modified while driving (to avoid obstacles, etc). See pilot.float_param_t.

float_param_t orientation

Orientation to drive at on this segment in [radians]. Actual orientation depends on orientation_mode. See pilot.float_param_t.

float_param_t orientation_tolerance

Maximum deviation allowed from the target orientation on this segment in [radians]. See pilot.float_param_t.

float_param_t max_velocity

Maximum velocity allowed on this segment in [m/s]. See pilot.float_param_t.

float_param_t max_yawrate

Maximum yawrate allowed on this segment in [rad/s]. See pilot.float_param_t.

set<drive_flags_e> drive_flags

A set of drive flags for this segment, see pilot.drive_flags_e.