Variant represents a value of arbitrary type which is assigned dynamically.
It can be an integral (ie. int
, float
, …), a string
, a vector<T>
of values,
a set<T>
of values, a map<K, V>
of values or an vnx.Object, for example.
In JSON format a Variant could be anything, for example:
, true
, false
, a number, a string, an array of values or an object.
Lua Script¶
In Lua Script a Variant is a normal Lua variable and can be anyting, for example:
, true
, false
, a number, a string, an array of values, a table or an object.
Native C++¶
In native C++ a Variant can be created / assigned as follows:
#include <vnx/vnx.h>
vnx::Variant example(1234);
std::cout <<<int>() << std::endl; // 1234
example = "value";
std::cout <<<std::string>() << std::endl; // value
example = std::vector<int>{1, 2, 3, 4};
std::cout << example << std::endl; // [1, 2, 3, 4]
vnx::Object obj;
obj["field"] = "value";
example = obj;
std::cout << example << std::endl; // {"field": "value"}