acc_lim_x: |
- Description
The x acceleration limit of the robot in meters/sec^2
acc_lim_theta: |
- Description
The rotational acceleration limit of the robot in radians/sec^2
max_vel_x: |
- Description
The maximum x velocity for the robot in m/s.
min_vel_x: |
- Description
The minimum x velocity for the robot in m/s, negative for backwards motion.
max_rot_vel: |
- Description
The absolute value of the maximum rotational velocity for the robot in rad/s
min_rot_vel: |
- Description
The absolute value of the minimum rotational velocity for the robot in rad/s
max_trans_vel: |
- Description
The absolute value of the maximum translational velocity for the robot in m/s
min_trans_vel: |
- Description
The absolute value of the minimum translational velocity for the robot in m/s
yaw_goal_tolerance: |
- Description
The tolerance in radians for the controller in yaw/rotation when achieving its goal
xy_goal_tolerance: |
- Description
The tolerance in meters for the controller in the x & y distance when achieving a goal
goal_tune_time: |
- Description
How long to fine tune for goal position after reaching tolerance limits [s]
lookahead_time: |
- Description
How far to predict control pose into the future based on latest odometry [s]
lookahead_dist: |
- Description
How far to look ahead when computing path orientation [m]
start_yaw_error: |
- Description
Threshold yaw error below which we consider to start moving [rad]
pos_x_gain: |
- Description
Gain when adjusting final x position for goal [1/s]
pos_y_yaw_gain: |
- Description
Gain for lane keeping based on y error (differential only) [rad/s^2]
yaw_gain: |
- Description
Gain for lane keeping based on yaw error (differential only) [1/s]
static_yaw_gain: |
- Description
Gain for adjusting yaw when not translating, or in case of holonomic drive [1/s]
cost_y_yaw_gain: |
- Description
Gain for y cost avoidance (differential only)
cost_y_lookahead_dist: |
- Description
How far ahead to compute y cost gradient (constant offset) [m]
cost_y_lookahead_time: |
- Description
How far ahead to compute y cost gradient (dynamic offset) [s]
cost_yaw_gain: |
- Description
Gain for yaw cost avoidance
low_pass_gain: |
- Description
Gain for final control low pass filter
max_cost: |
- Description
Max cost to allow, above we slow down to min_trans_vel or even stop
max_curve_vel: |
- Description
Max velocity based on curvature [rad/s]
max_goal_dist: |
- Description
Max distance to goal when looking for it [m]
max_backup_dist: |
- Description
Max distance allowable for backing up (zero = unlimited) [m]
min_stop_dist: |
- Description
Minimal distance for stopping [m]
differential_drive: |
- Description
If robot has differential drive, holonomic otherwise
allow_reversing: |
- Description
robot with safety sensors in the rear can be set to reverse
local_frame: |
Type |
Default |
local_frame |
odom |
- Description
Default local frame id of the robot. For namespace setup, set the frame id with “/” at the beginning
base_frame: |
Type |
Default |
base_frame |
base_link |
- Description
Default base frame id of the robot. For namespace setup, set the frame id with “/” at the beginning
odom_topic: |
Type |
Default |
odom_topic |
/odom |
- Description
Default odom topic set to the local planner. For namespace setup, use the topic without “/” at the beginning