neo_docking2 - teaching based docking¶
neo_docking2 is a ROS 2 package, which is the spirtual successor of neo_docking.
Like neo_docking, neo_docking2 docks the Neobotix robot autonomously with the charging station. Unlike neo_docking, neo_docking2 does not use a depth camera nor QR tags for detecting the coordinates of the charging contacts. Rather, the user has to once teach the docking position of the robot by manually driving (prefarably with a joystick) and docking the robot to the charging contacts. The docking coordinates are stored in a yaml file, with the help of a service. Later, the docking coordinates are utilized in a 3-step docking process coupled with Navigation 2.
Open a command line, source your ros distribution and continue the following steps:
cd your_ros_workspace/src
git clone
cd ..
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select neo_docking2
. install/setup.bash
Once done you can either
- If you have a robot from Neobotix, then you should use the launch:
ros2 launch neo_mp(?)_(?)00-2 params_file:=install/neo_mpo_700-2/share/neo_mp(?)_(?)00-2/configs/navigation/docking_navigation.yaml
the launch can be found under the corresponding robot package. The poses for docking are stored under dock_pose.yaml, which can be found under this (neo_docking2) package.
Namespaced docking parameters are also available for certain robots. Please read our official documentation to know more about launching navigation with namespacing.
- launch the node using the given launch file:
ros2 launch neo_docking2
by default uses the pose from dock_pose.yaml. Additionally namespace argument can be utilized for namespacing.
- or just use ros2 run to run the executable. Of course, the params can be also passed along with it using the extension –ros-args and pointing to the file containing the params
ros2 run neo_docking2 neo_docking2 --ros-args --params-file src/neo_docking2/launch/dock_pose.yaml
Available Services¶
- go_and_dock: Initiates docking process
- undock_and_arm: Undocks the robot
- /store_poses: Poses are stored in the dock_pose.yaml file, which can be found under the launch directory
In the case of a presence of a docking station for charging:
- start_charging: Starts the charging process
- stop_charging: Stops the charging process
First, we need to store the pose of the docking station, it needs to be done manually. Use the joystick to navigate the robot to the docking position. Once the robot is in the docking position, use the /store_pose service to store the docking position.
ros2 service call /store_pose std_srvs/srv/Empty {}
Next, the docking is a 2 step process, we need to use /go_and_dock service to initiate the docking:
ros2 service call /go_and_dock std_srvs/srv/Empty {}
Once the process has been initiated, the robot navigates to a pre-dock position, which is 0.5 meters in front of the docking station. Then in the second step, the robot starts to dock.
To undock, use the service /undock_and_arm:
ros2 service call /undock_and_arm std_srvs/srv/Empty {}
Once the process has been initiated, the robot navigates back to the pre-dock position.
Safety Instruction¶
If you have brought the robot and the charging station from us, please remember the following points at all the times:
- Once the robot is docked, make sure that you do not pass any velocity commands nor send a navigation goal from RViz. This would cause serious physical damage to the charging station.
- While storing the poses for the charging station, you do not have to go very deep into the charging station, rather the advisable range would be not more than 2.0 cm.