The neo_srvs2 package provides Neobotix specific service interfaces used by many of our products.
- neo_srvs2/srvs/RelayBoardSetRelay (more details on RelayBoardSetRelay.srv)
- Used for triggering the 4 relays
- Usually the relays 2 and 3 of the relayboard are connected to the inputs of the master laser scanner in the MP / MM series robots, allowing to set the programmed safety fields for scanners
- Relevant ROS Packages: neo_relayboard_v2-2 and neo_relayboard_v3
- neo_srvs2/srvs/RelayBoardSetLCDMsg (more details on RelayBoardSetLCDMsg.srv)
- Used for setting the LCD message on the MP / MM series robots
- Relevant ROS Packages: neo_relayboard_v2-2
- neo_srvs2/srvs/IOBoardSetDigOut (more details on IOBoardSetDigOut.srv)
- Used for setting the state of the digital output of the IOBoard
- neo_srvs2/srvs/LockPlatform (more details on LockPlatform.srv)
- Used for Locking the MP series platforms to be not navigated by any means any further
- Relevant ROS Packages: neo_kinematic_omnidrive-2
- neo_srvs2/srvs/UnlockPlatform (more details on UnlockPlatform.srv)
- Used to Unlock the MP series platforms for performing further navigation tasks
- Relevant ROS Packages: neo_kinematic_omnidrive2
- neo_srvs2/srvs/Optimizer (more details on Optimizer.srv)
- Used for sharing the optimizer results in neo_mpc_planner2
- Relevant ROS Packages: neo_mpc_planner2
- neo_srvs2/srvs/RelayBoardSetEMStop (more details on RelayBoardSetEMStop.srv)
- Used to set the Hardware EMStop from the application code
- Relevant ROS Packages: neo_relayboard_v2-2 and neo_relayboard_v3
- neo_srvs2/srvs/RelayBoardUnSetEMStop (more details on RelayBoardUnSetEMStop.srv)
- Used to unset the Hardware EMStop from the application code
- Relevant ROS Packages: neo_relayboard_v2-2 and neo_relayboard_v3
- neo_srvs2/srvs/ResetOmniWheels (more details on ResetOmniWheels.srv)
- Used to reset the steer axis of the omnidrive module to the desired angle, given in radians
- Relevant ROS Packages: neo_kinematic_omnidrive2
- neo_srvs2/srvs/SetSafetyField (more details on SetSafetyField.srv)
- Used to select the pre-configured safety fields on the FlexiSoft for the ROX robots
- Relevant ROS Packages: neo_relayboard_v3
- neo_srvs2/srvs/RelayBoardSetLED (more details on RelayBoardSetLED.srv)
- Used to set the RGB color for the LEDs mounted on the ROX robot
- Relevant ROS Packages: neo_relayboard_v3
- neo_srvs2/srvs/RelayBoardSetSafetyMode (more details on RelayBoardSetSafetyMode.srv)
- Used to set the safety operating modes of the robot
- See also neo_msgs2/SafetyMode for different modes
- Relevant ROS Packages: neo_relayboard_v3