

Generic permissions that can be given to certain users.

enumerator VIEW

Permission to subscribe to topics (and access process statistics).

enumerator CONST_REQUEST

Permission to execute const methods that do not explicitly set a permission.

enumerator PUBLISH

Permission to publish samples.

enumerator REQUEST

Permission to execute all methods that do not explicitly set a permission.

enumerator READ_CONFIG

Permission to read config values.

enumerator WRITE_CONFIG

Permission to change config values.


Permission to read/write protected config values (like user passwords etc).

enumerator START

Permission to start new modules.

enumerator STOP

Permission to stop a running module.

enumerator RESTART

Permission to restart a module.

enumerator SHUTDOWN

Permission to shutdown the process.

enumerator HOST_SHUTDOWN

Permission to shutdown the host machine.

enumerator SELF_TEST

Permission to execute self tests.