The neo_relayboard_v2 package provides a means to communicate with the physical RelayBoardV2 installed in all mobile platforms.
The relayboard_v2_node publishes status information regarding the mobile platform such as battery voltage, charging current and emergency stop status. Moreover it provides services to control the charging process, the on-demand relays as well as the LCD display.
The drive motors are also connected to the RelayBoardV2 (except MPO-700), hence the drive control commands and drive signals are sent and received over the relayboard_v2_node as well.
- /relayboard_v2/state
- /relayboard_v2/battery_state
- /relayboard_v2/emergency_stop_state
- /drives/joint_states (except MPO-700)
- /ioboard/data (with IOBoard only)
- /usboard/measurements (with USBoard only)
- /usboard/sensor (with USBoard only)
- /drives/joint_trajectory (except MPO-700)
- /relayboard_v2/set_LCD_msg <message>
- Sets the first line on the LCD display for the next 30 seconds.
- /relayboard_v2/set_relay <id (0 to 3)> <true/false>
- Controls the 4 on-demand relays.
- /relayboard_v2/start_charging
- Starts charging process (when connected to automatic charging station)
- /relayboard_v2/stop_charging
- Stops the charging process (when connected to automatic charging station)
- /ioboard/set_digital_output <id (0 to 15)> <true/false>
- Controls the 16 digital outputs, when IOBoard is connected.
- port (serial bus device file, /dev/…)
- request_rate (node update frequency, defines publish frequency as well as frequency of drive commands sent to * RelayBoardV2)
- motor_delay (time subtracted in seconds from /drives/joint_states timestamp, to account for transmission delays)
- trajectory_timeout (time after which motors will be stopped if no input received, in seconds)
- battery/
- serial_number location design_capacity chemistry
- ioboard/
- active (true if IOBoard is connected)
- usboard/
- active (true if USBoard is connected) sensor1_active (true if USBoard sensor1 is connected) sensor2_active (true if USBoard sensor2 is connected) …
- log (true if to enable raw binary logging of data stream to file, for debugging)
- drive2/ (first motor)
- motor_active (true if connected) homing_active (true if omni drive) joint_name (ROS frame_id) EncIncrPerRevMot VelMeasFrqHz GearRatio BeltRatio Sign (direction of rotation) VelMaxEncIncrS VelPModeEncIncrS AccIncrS2 DecIncrS2 Modulo
- drive3/ (second motor)
- …